“This podcast has some great episodes: interviews with Gail Dines and Lundy Bancroft, important critiques of the porn industry, critiques of abuse kinks and sex posi culture, strategy on where to meet decent men and how to be vigilant for red flags, how to make friends, etc.
But as the episodes have gone on, there is less and less interesting or useful information, and more and more blatant homophobia, transphobia, fatphobia, classism, and just general punching down. It’s one thing to say something that could be potentially controversial that has important truths to it (for example, pointing out some gay men are extremely misogynistic is a very valid conversation that needs to be had, etc); however, that is not the case here. The “advice” episodes regarding men in prison, homeless men, etc, don’t have any useful information - in fact they’re full of misinformation/hosts’ anecdotes, but beyond being hateful and seeming very Rush Limbaugh, they’re just boring and don’t contain helpful or useful information for women. Reaux in particular is extremely annoying and I don’t find her contributions to be interesting at all. Very disappointing as I used to really enjoy the hosts banter and FDS in general, but between the downhill turn the podcast has taken and the FDS website content, FDS is starting to live up to its reputation as a hate group (and I’m not saying a hate group towards men, I’m saying a hate group towards specifically gay men, all trans people, all fat people, ugly/less attractive people, disabled people, poor people, etc).”
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