Frank Dixon is an expert on Systems Change. He has been interested in sustainability since his MBA, joined one of the first ESG research firms, saw ESG wasn’t enough, and has been working on system change ever since. Our conversation traces the evolution of Frank’s thinking around the need for...
Published 11/26/24
Carol Geremia is president of MFS Investment Management® (MFS®) and head of Global Distribution. She leads the firm's worldwide client-facing teams as well as product and marketing strategy. Since joining MFS in 1984, Carol has held roles focused primarily on fiduciary responsibility, stewardship...
Published 11/19/24
Steve Foresti is a Senior Advisor, Investments, at Wilshire, where he has spent almost 30 years. He previously held a role as Chief Investment Officer, among other roles and is currently in a part-time role as he pursues other interests. Steve was recommended to us as a guest because of his...
Published 11/13/24