Adult Swim has been the home for many influential pieces of alternative comedy, but Childrens Hospital is a series that helped the fledgling network establish their brand. The Dadaist comedy helped bring live-action to the programming block as well as an enviable cast and crew of comedic...
Published 01/10/20
Even though violence, gore, and sex fill Adult Swim’s airwaves, there are still wholesome rays of positivity that shine through the nihilism. Joe Pera Talks With You is almost anti-comedy in how simple and genuine it is. Spun off from his popular infomercial specials, Joe Pera’s series looks at...
Published 12/20/19
Writing the score for an adult animated comic-based property like Harley Quinn is probably far from the typical experience for a composer, but Jefferson Friedman is equal to the task. Having already scored for DC's short-lived live action comedy, Powerless, Friedman knows his way around this...
Published 12/06/19