“After almost a year, I’m finally caught up, so now I can confidently say that this show is nothing short of magnificent. I would have never guessed that I could listen to two hour episodes about movies, some of which I have no interest in, and still find every minute entertaining. This is not least due to Daniel’s great sense of humour, anecdotes, and occasional angry political rants.
I have to admit, I miss Henry and all his knowledge AND his microphone sound, I always thought it gave him a very fitting vintage vibe. However, Logan too is an absolute delight, especially, but not exclusively, because of how valiantly he defended the Lord of the Rings franchise. As a big fan of these movies (excluding The Hobbit movies, of course), I was really glad to have someone in my corner on that subject. Also, it’s great to hear about Daniel’s love for Stephen Fry, who I think the world would be a much poorer place without.
Since he is such a great fan of Ed Sheeran’s, I can very much recommend the song ‘Meanest Man’ to Daniel, in which Sheeran raps near the end, it really puts ‘Shape Of You’ to shame.
On a more serious note, I am eternally grateful to Daniel for recommending the Before Trilogy, the Hal Hartley Trilogy and Pavement, all three of which have grown very close to my heart.
I’m now very much looking forward to the new episode every week and to binging all the patreon content. I’m so sorry I haven’t subscribe to that sooner, but the amount of content would have probably completely overwhelmed me.”
Laura__94 via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·