If you are talking with your spouse about stopping all spending, you’ve got a money problem. Too many people are struggling with money, but it may not even be their fault. It’s financial illiteracy. Maybe it’s the system, people being held down. We want to bring you out of misinformation and get you on the right track financially. If you’re having money problems, it’s not because you’re spending too much. You have an income problem. You are not making enough money. Don’t argue with your...
Published 05/24/17
Definition of infidelity is the action or state of being unfaithful to a spouse or other sexual partner. It’s unfaithfulness and disloyal to have any kind of infidelity in your marriage. Keep in mind though, there’s a million ways to cheat somebody, it doesn’t have to be just sexual. I (Grant) was married 1 year back in the 1990’s and the woman cheated on me. The truth is though, I wanted to end the marriage anyway. She cheated on me, but we had both quit on the marriage prior to that. The...
Published 05/17/17
The G&E Show: Get on the Same Page as Your Spouse—You may know where to put it but that doesn’t mean you know what she wants or what her goals are. You can’t keep a marriage together just on sex. You keep a marriage together by being on the same page. Many couples out there. How do you keep your marriage together? You get on the same page with your spouse. Here are 3 things you must do: 1. Mutual goals. 2. Those goals need to be big, with big rewards. 3. Reinforce those goals daily....
Published 05/10/17
Are you willing to fight for the people you love? Who’s on your team? How do you defend the ones you love? Here’s a quick list to keep in mind as you build your empire: 1.Decide who’s team you’re on 2.Commit to defending the people on your team 3.Defend at all costs and shut negative rumors down 4.The other person is either on your side or on the other side Just because you have a brother doesn’t mean they are on your team. If you can’t defend them, get rid of them. If you won’t fight for...
Published 04/19/17
Most people who feel like they are working too hard is because the reward is not big enough. What is your reward that you and your spouse are working toward? To have a successful marriage, what does it take? Here are some common things power couples often do: - Go to bed together - Work out together - Don’t freak over fights - Celebrate your successes - Write goals together - Talk about successes together You can have it all, a profitable business and a great relationship, but it takes...
Published 04/13/17
The Business of Marriage: If you ignore your business it will begin to fail. The same is true with your marriage. Many couples live together but aren’t actually together. You don’t get together to be alone. If you’re going to do things little, whether in business or marriage, it will die. You must put purpose ahead of everything for success. What is the purpose of your marriage? Huffington Post puts out dumb articles, giving tips for marriage such as to not get even, to not blow things out of...
Published 04/12/17
Can you handle pressure? I’m under a lot of pressure with 10X GrowthCon coming this weekend. Sometimes you need to let a room burn in order to save the rest of the house. Keep the main thing the main thing. When the kitchen is on fire, you don’t worry about the marriage, you worry about the kitchen. When you have a deadline you are confronted with choices. Which plate do you juggle? Sometimes you can’t change the tire today and you need to let it sit and deal with other things first. Let...
Published 03/15/17
G and E Show: Are You a Power Couple? Urban dictionary definitions a power couple as those encouraging goodness in the world and make it a better place by being together; they do bad ass things together and plot to take over the world; they have super powers and manipulate situations to fit their needs. Are you a power couple? Are you doing extreme things? 4 signs you are a power couple: 1) You are each other’s biggest fans. 2) You work hard and play hard. 3) People have heard of you that...
Published 03/10/17
Are you colliding in a relationship? Does your significant other have opposite dreams and aspirations? You have power and your partner has power. If the king and queen aren’t on the same page, the empire is in trouble. Dynasties usually crumble from within. You must know your role. The king would not do the role of the court jester. Every empire has different roles, and every role is important in helping the empire flourish. Why should you build an empire? When do you exile someone? How big...
Published 03/08/17
Be responsible and be honest—if you have a bunch of broken people around you—the ship will sink. If you want a great campsite, you have to get rid of the critters. Get rid of the alien on the ship! What does being responsible mean? Responsible means: 1) Having an obligation to do something, or having control over or care for someone, as part of one's job or role 2) Being the primary cause of something and so able to be blamed or credited for it. 3) Of a job or position, involving important...
Published 03/01/17
Commit First, Figure the Rest Out Later – The G & E Show: If you could figure everything out at the beginning that would be great, but it’s not always possible. To have a baby, you commit—you can’t figure it all out first. Many times in life you have to figure things out later, the main thing is you have to commit now. People who want to go to 10X GrowthCon can’t be worrying about the hotel/airfare and stuff yet, they just need to commit and get their ticket. You want to get rich? Commit,...
Published 02/08/17
Do you define a purpose and then add to that, or do you have 8 or 9 different purposes? You must clarify your purpose. It’s easier to have one purpose and then add things to that one purpose. For example, Grant doesn’t define himself in a box and set limits. If the purpose is great enough, the small stuff will fall away. There is one key thing to remember: When building an empire, the very first foundation is to have a purpose. Set up your life and drop those roles you play into that life....
Published 02/01/17
In this edition of the G and E Show Grant and Elena Cardone talk about burnout. Why do people burnout? You can get burned out in your job or in a relationship. Sit down with a piece of paper and take an inventory of your life. What is your purpose? The “burnout” starts because you become no longer obsessed with fulfilling your monster purpose. You need something new. Even if you are winning, you need to focus on your purpose. Don’t seek validation from others, self-nourish yourself. If...
Published 11/16/16
How do you get on the same page as your spouse? What is the biggest difficulty you have in investing in the expansion of your business and relationship? The moment you quit talking about where you are going, you get off target. It can’t be one person doing one thing and another person doing another thing—It has to be together. Every relationship the decision comes to stay the same or go forward. Staying the same is really code for going backward. Grow or go!
Published 11/02/16
Who sucks the life out of you? Have you dated a vampire who sucked out all of your energy? Or have you been the vampire to someone else? If you are on purpose you won’t suck the life out of someone else. It’s only when you don’t have enough going on that you look to someone else to fulfill you. Are you doing the things that fulfill you? People have to have their own life. If your girl is needy, she needs to find her purpose. It’s impossible for another person to fill you up. Here are 3 steps...
Published 10/26/16
Who do you read? Who do you study? Why do you ask for advice in the first place? Many people are looking for confirmation—they know what they should do but don’t want to do it so they are seeking encouragement to do something else. You get advice from either legitimate or illegitimate sources. Just because someone is in your family doesn’t mean you need to get their advice. You need to filter where you get your advice from.Two main takeaways from today’s show: 1. How much have you been...
Published 10/26/16
Husband and wife team Grant and Elena Cardone tackle the subject of how to balance business, marriage and family and 10X them all. Committed to their kids, their business endeavors and their marriage they share what they do to make it all work. Join them every Wednesday at 12 pm EST where they live out their motto of “stick and stay it’s bound to pay.”
Published 10/12/16
Husband and wife team Grant and Elena Cardone tackle the subject of how to balance business, marriage and family and 10X them all. Committed to their kids, their business endeavors and their marriage they share what they do to make it all work. Join them every Wednesday at 12 pm EST where they live out their motto of “stick and stay it’s bound to pay.”
Published 09/21/16
Today on the G and E Show Grant and Elena Cardone discuss the need to keep your eyes on the future, not on the past. Grant constantly looks into the future, sees what he wants, and backs into what he has to get done right now to make that future a reality. If you want to get more done, see the future and you’ll see what needs to be done now. Take time out of everything, act on things when they come in and do the hardest things first. Don’t delay and procrastinate. Meditation doesn’t...
Published 09/07/16
The average American pays $4,500 a year for vacations. If you are unplugged, go all in unplugged. Never ask your spouse to unplug—no guy wants his wife nagging him about no emails, no phone calls—that will just make him feel more uptight. If you go on vacation go where successful people go. Go there to plug in a little as well as to unplug. If you do little vacations, don’t do them. Don’t do 3 days at a Holiday Inn. That’s bad breakfast for free. You need a nanny and go someplace nice. If...
Published 08/31/16
1. A Target 2. Target insistence 3. Target reinforcement
Published 08/17/16
Grant and Elena Cardone discuss how to make peace on today’s G and E Show. What do you do when you do something crazy? We all mess up at times and do things we shouldn’t do or say things we shouldn’t say. We regret it, but it’s already happened. You know you’ve wronged, so what to do next? 1. Give a little space 2. Apologize 3. Make a Peace offering 4. Use Humor Don’t run your spouse into the ground. Be able to forgive because if you blow up on them you blow up on yourself. If the score is...
Published 08/03/16
Today on the G and E Show Grant and Elena Cardone discuss drama. How do you handle drama and how do you avoid it? Write down 3 ways you add drama to your life. It’s easy to talk about what others are doing, but difficult to see your own drama. Grant can make drama about crumbs in the fridge and stickers on fruit. Elena knows that small stuff like this comes from the fact that Grant expects a lot from himself. When you assign the solution or problem to someone else, you are involved in...
Published 07/27/16
How do you make your family and your business work, and how can you make everything propser? Ask yourself what your assets are. Write a list of assets in your life. If you don’t know, nobody knows. If you don’t pay attention to your assets, you will have liabilities. Use it or lose it. Have goals with your family and get on the same page. You want to flourish in everything, not just a few things. Sit down with your spouse and talk about what prosperity means to you—and them. Where are you...
Published 07/20/16