After three trials, a verdict. But a Dateline viewer could change everything…
Published 03/28/23
A retired sheriff’s deputy sees Michelle O’Keefe’s smiling face on a billboard and asks to join the investigation.
Published 03/21/23
Police investigating Michelle O’Keefe’s murder encounter a talkative witness. Maybe too talkative.
Published 03/14/23
She loved her shiny blue Mustang. Then it became a crime scene.
Published 03/14/23
When 18-year-old Michelle O’Keefe is found murdered in her shiny new blue Mustang in a California park and ride, investigators encounter a confusing crime scene and a witness who seems to know too much. In Dateline’s latest original podcast series, Keith Morrison takes us to the High Desert outside Los Angeles for a story featuring twists, turns and a sharp-eyed Dateline viewer who steers the case in an entirely new direction. Follow now to get the latest episodes of The Girl in the Blue...
Published 03/02/23