I have just lost 5 minutes of my life listening to Glenn Beck complaining (whining?) how his book is being short changed. How it should be number one. Hmm. Speaks volumes. Such fragile egos. Life is tough Glenn and then you die! Nutritionist (perhaps you can explain how a 30 day food supply from Ishkabble will save us from the apocalypse. Do they pay you in cash or in kind?). Economist. Financial expert (capital markets). Investment expert (perhaps in the name of transparency you might tell us how much the gold floggers pay you).To quote Gordon Gecko I don’t think you know preferred stock from livestock. Political scientist. What a guy! And the people you interview, confirmation bias. God bless! I’m just envious. I just want but don’t have the “snake oil salesman” in me. An apt name would be Mr. Entertainment! Billy Crystal watch out! Please Glenn can you offer a comprehensive course on sales and marketing? Or on how to make something from nothing? And listening to Big G and Justin Haskins I actually believe that these guys have lost it. When will the wagons arrive to tide them away. It’s really unbelievable to listen to n
JDC1591 via Apple Podcasts · Canada · 11/18/24
More reviews of The Glenn Beck Program
Although I'm not a diehard conservative, listening to Glenn Beck is very enlighting; he offers "political news" and expressions of opinions that are heartfelt and sincere, and mirroring the Founding Fathers philosophies. He avoids expressing pet peeves, and phrases his ideas in a manner rather...Read full review »
nightowl via · 10/13/13
The best on the radio.  Never a dull moment.  I am a subscriber to The Blaze and Sticher is the best way I have found to get the radio show on my device whenever I want.
DavidLovesUSA via · 09/17/13
Been listening to Glenn Beck for years. The show has always been informative and funny. Once you listen the addiction begins. Books, stage shows, and tv.
MaChelley via · 10/14/13
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