“I am only 42 weeks, 295 days, into this horrible journey. I started listening to Teresa, the grief mentor, in early summer 2024. Shock and denial are still front and center. Teresa lovingly speaks truth and offers hope that we can survive the worst. We have survived the worst day of our lives. I am so grateful I found this podcast. I have been praying for help and God brought this podcast. God brought Teresa. I still easily get snowballed into thoughts that are overwhelming and debilitating. I have learned to reframe my thoughts, take it captive speak truth to it. I share her podcasts with my family and re listen. Teresa reminds you to pray and praise God especially in our pain. Grief work is hard, but grieving without hope is worse.
Thank you Teresa May God continue to use to you to help others. Thank you for helping me.”
lil duccky via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·