Dr. Shahana Alibhai is an accomplished TEDx speaker, a renowned family physician, and an expert in the field of mental health.
I was delighted to talk to her today about why we can struggle so much to take care of ourselves, even when this is something we really want to do.
Dr. Shahana shared her personal story of postpartum anxiety and the subsequent shame, denial, and mental health challenges she experienced, despite her professional background in cognitive behaviour therapy and mindfulness meditation. She explained what is going on when this happens to us and some strategies we can use to help ourselves recover.
I really enjoyed this interview, and couldn't believe how quickly the time flew by. I'm looking forward to picking up the conversation in our next podcast.
You can connect with Dr. Shahana here:
Website: www.drshahana.com
[email protected]
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/shahana-alibhai-rae
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