A Cruel Angel - Previously...
At the Maunsworth Entry-Point, the British expedition is exploring the strange world of the HeavenField. While looking over a newly-discovered collection of buildings, they are attacked by a group of Exiles.
The main security force, along with Gary Starling and Stuart Nicks, are forced to engage them in a fire-fight. But Grace and Thomas find themselves split from the group, and run further into the ruins in a desperate attempt to evade their pursuers.
Meanwhile Speers' American Accelerator Array is complete. His newly-formed army enters the HeavenField, only to discover their Entry-Point encircled by a force of Exile soldiers. Speers though, ever-more delusional, clings to his belief that it is the British who are attacking.
Realising that their adversaries have access to far-superior technology, Speers orders Gutteridge to lead a covert team into the Field in a desperate attempt to capture and return with an enemy Fieldship...
Survivors - Previously...
Gutteridge manages to get the captured Fieldship back to the American Entry-Point, and Speers withdraws his troops from the Field.
Back at the Maunsworth Research Facility, Susan Morranne, a friend of Thomas Sullivan, sneaks down to the labs in the hope of seeing him...
Published 08/01/11
A Siren - Previously...
At the American Entry-Point, Gutteridge and his covert team infiltrate behind the lines of the Exile blockade and capture an enemy Fieldship. Now they must attempt to fly it back to their Entry-Point.
Back in the Exile Fortress, Alex is confronted by a deranged Dr....
Published 08/01/11