Episode 4: The big break
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The police are desperately searching the city centre for the two-year-old child and her kidnappers. Six miles away an officer from another team is looking for two teenage truants. He hears the description of the suspects on his radio and makes the connection. They now have names for the suspects and information about them that offers clues as to where they might be found.
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The two-year-old girl has been found alive and well and her teenage abductors arrested. But what motivated the teenagers to take her? Investigations at the teenagers' home reveal unusual and worrying things, particularly when their internet search history is examined.
Published 01/27/17
Published 01/27/17
CCTV footage shows a worrying turn of events. Police are now active across the city but the clock is ticking. In any major criminal investigation officers think the first hour is critical. The police are now 50 minutes behind the girls and they believe the toddler is in real danger.
Published 01/25/17