Once Upon a Time...
Clementine Holiday takes listeners on a fantastical journey to celebrate "Tell A Fairytale Day" with a unique story set in the magical, imaginary land of Party Central, featuring her family as enchanting characters like a mer-man and a ticklish eel, blending the everyday with the magical in a tale that reminds us of the power of imagination and storytelling.
Join Clementine Holiday as she celebrates National Puppy Day with her beloved pooch, Truffle! From dog park adventures to distributing homemade organic puppy treats at Party Central, Clementine shares the joys of puppy love. Tune in for fun dog facts and learn why every pup deserves a cheer.
Published 04/22/24
Clementine Holiday embraces National Awkward Moments Day! From misunderstood greetings to social media faux pas, Clementine shares how she navigates the cringeworthy yet hilarious pitfalls of daily life. Tune in for tips on recovering from your own awkward moments, proving that every day indeed...
Published 04/15/24