Great podcast
There are so many podcasts competing for our time but I wholeheartedly recommend the Humble Sceptic. It is very engaging and informative and very useful to send to anyone you know who has questions about faith and all the different worldviews. I think it will be very helpful for families with teenagers to listen to together. Will promote profitable discussion and help them see that it is reasonable to believe the Bible.
tolle et lege via Apple Podcasts · Great Britain · 12/13/22
More reviews of The Humble Skeptic
This podcast has revolutionized my understanding of faith and supporting evidence. It’s a game changer.
MarkMiddlebrooks via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 02/13/24
Great content, clear thinking, very edifying. Thanks.
Sandkorn$ via Apple Podcasts · Denmark · 03/27/23
There cannot be “your truth” or “my truth” - there is only truth. The Humble Skeptic searches for truth, setting aside common assumptions and preconceptions and follows the evidence with an open mind to an ultimate, supportable conclusion. I appreciate the common sense, practical, methodical and...Read full review »
JoboBobergobber via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 07/23/24
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