Christina and Charlotte share their extensive experience as Director of Learning Innovation and eLearning and Director of Technology in International Schools in Asia, the Caribbean and Middle East. An opportunity to share their learning in these roles in an international school. Reflecting on the changing dynamics in the age of accelerated change and AI. How to manage, navigate and lead with this accelerated change in a school setting, and what are some learnings and approaches to consider...
Published 09/01/23
Carlos shares his experience coaching and working with leaders around the world, in both an international school context and corporate setting focusing on "bully leaders". Carlos shares some of the learnings, experiences from his work, and combines this with his latest book "Five Brain Leadership". Exploring how our brains are wired to impact our dispositions as leaders and how to leverage this knowledge in an international school setting.    About Carlos Davidovich   Carlos has extensive...
Published 08/19/23
Small International Schools are wide spread around the world, with their size come different dynamics in the culture, structures, educator and leadership approaches, finances juggling the daily workflows and community building, Jimena, Jeremy and Michael who have started an ECIS (https://www.ecis.org/) "Intentionally Small Schools" special interest group join us and share their experiences as small international school leaders and together we explore the uniqueness of small international...
Published 08/06/23
Valérie and Jane share their work, experience and learnings with the dynamics, challenges, and opportunities of transitions for students, parents, educators and schools. Together we explore the creative tensions many international educators and students experience with transitioning between schools and cultures, and how their respective organisations support and provide resources for the positive transition-care of students, families and educators around the world.   About Valérie...
Published 07/24/23
An opportunity to connect with John Miller of the Agile Classroom, a next-generation learning framework, with a student-centered approach, emphasizing collaboration, communication, self-organization, and social skills . We look at the Agile classrooms approach focusing on real-world approaches that the most innovative companies in the world use brought to a classroom setting. What the structures, workflows and pedagogic strategies for educators to consider when working with this...
Published 07/13/23
Angela and Peter educators and now entrepreneurs share their journey around the transition to starting a company focused on report writing and leveraging new AI technologies to save teachers time, improve workload and enhance the quality of feedback to students and parents. We explore why such a company, the challenges and opportunities of using artificial intelligence in delivering an educators service and learnings from the experience.   About Angela Newton   Angela  is Co-Founder of Real...
Published 06/24/23
Data and information have become a critical component to leading and managing international schools. Understanding the data and more importantly getting it into a format and visual representation that all stakeholders can understand and engage with comes with challenges and opportunities Chris Smith shares his experiences supporting schools, the technology  behind the data, and how this process supports schools to be agile and responsive to changes and needs of the school community.   About...
Published 06/10/23
100 hundred conversations, 100+ guests who have come to share their story, learning, challenges and interests. Dan and I spend a few moments reflecting on how this podcast started in June 2019, some of the themes, focus areas, and reflection of  the podcast and the times we live in. Thank you to the generosity and kindness of our guests. A huge shout out to our audience for your support and taking the time to listen, we both are most grateful. Ready for the next 100! Tune in with us!    John...
Published 06/02/23
Brett shares his journey founding and leading a small international school in Ostrava in the eastern part of the Czech Republic. As Director of the first IB Continuum World School in the country, Brett gives us insights to his struggles with the Czech state school system, and what he has been fighting for as a teacher and educational entrepreneur for over 30 years:  Leading a Mission-driven school at a time of great local and global change.    About Brett Gray Brett Gray is the Founder and...
Published 05/27/23
Stefan and Matthew are second generation international school educators, their parents were international school educators, they both currently are international school educators and their children are in international schools The fascinating part is this is all within the same international school. We explore their experience, anecdotes, learnings and also their respective passion for music while juggling the demands of being educators, parents and musicians. Together exploring the impact of...
Published 05/13/23
Dan and John spend time exploring the topic of Cyber Security with Dan's work with schools and organisation and John's workshops and trainings on the topic. Dan shares his presentation on Cyber Security with thoughts, reflections and strategies on a topic that often is under the radar for educators and school leaders  in International Schools. With more options and flexibility to travel, and working remotely comes with some important steps to consider to ensure the cybersecurity of your...
Published 05/06/23
Safa and Louise from Tactical Tech showcase a few of the projects and resources focused on exploring and mitigating the impacts of technology on societies. The programs and events they organise raise awareness and encourage people to take control of their digital privacy, security, and wellbeing, with further resources to train on verification skills.   About Safa Ghnaim   Safa Ghnaim is Associate Program Director at Tactical Tech. She has contributed to and co-written materials for the Data...
Published 04/29/23
Jamie McKenzie who has supported schools around the world as consultant, speaker and keynote, and written about education technology and information literacy . Jamie is Editor of From Now On - The Educational Technology Journal, a Web-based journal published online since 1991 and was the Director of Libraries, Media and Technology for the Bellingham (WA) Public Schools. Jamie shares his rich professional journey, the importance of questions, information literacy and the ever changing...
Published 04/15/23
Jeff has worked in International Schools, consultant, founder  Learning2, COETAIL, Edurolearning and now Shifting Schools. In this podcast we take the opportunity to learn about Jeff 's  new professional interest as a property investor http://www.g3-homes.com/ in the Seattle area . In this podcast we explore the new workflows, how to juggle the education and property professions together and further reflections, with some tips for International Educators thinking of purchasing a property in...
Published 03/31/23
In this conversation with Pete Kennedy we take the opportunity to delve into the dynamics of international school recruitment for both educators and school leaders, how recruitment has changed since COVID, what are recruiting organisations doing to engage with DEIJ, and strategies to consider as a candidate. Pete comes with extensive experience as a school head, principal and educator  and now working for Search Associates  About Pete Kennedy   Before joining Search Associates, Pete enjoyed...
Published 03/18/23
Dr. Helen Kelly shares her latest book "School Leaders Matter." which explores why the school leaders’ role has become so demanding and what governments, schools and leaders themselves can do to support their wellbeing.  We together unpack the different areas of the book, the relationship between stress, workload, community and well being and the significant changes in the role. To better understand the causes connected to Leader and Teacher burnout refer to our last podcast Episode #73 where...
Published 03/04/23
Four educators having worked in Africa, Asia and Europe in education technology in different roles, share their insights and perspective from their respective learning journeys with the question “Does technology integration work in an international school setting, does it enhance student learning and how impactful is it”. An opportunity for us all to reflect on education technology integration, and explore the opportunities and challenges of integration digital skills.   Guests: Aisha...
Published 02/17/23
Atul shares his professional journey as a prominent member of the education industry in ASEAN, North & South Asia & Middle East. Now he serves as co-founding trustee and Executive Chairman of Singapore-based Global Schools Foundation (GSF), a not-for-profit organisation. Atul shares his role as a Education Technology facilitator, Coordinator, and Leader reflecting  on new technology or innovations in education. and navigating an international school education network and education...
Published 02/03/23
Author and professor Scott McLeod shares reflections, learnings ,and provocations based on his last two books, Leadership for Deeper Learning and Harnessing Technology for Deeper Learning. We explore the different approaches to technology integration, the challenges and opportunities connected to how school leaders frame these conversations, and what strategies and approaches have been successful in a school setting.    About Scott McLeod    A Professor of Educational Leadership at the...
Published 01/20/23
In this special edition podcast Greg, Warren and Wolfgang with Dan and John look at #ChatGPT3, its impact, what it might mean for schools and learning, and a chance to share some ideas on ways to juggle GPT3 , support staff, students and school to cohabitate with #ai in an International School setting.   Guests: Greg Clinton, Ph.D Director of Technology at American International School Chennai   Warren Apel Director of Technology at The American School in Japan   Wolfgang Soeldner ICT Campus...
Published 01/13/23
Dan and John spend time together reflecting on the past year and looking ahead for 2023. A conversation about professional pathways, traveling and working in Asia with a family,  AI cohabitation, digital security, some pandemic learnings, and the wisdom and generosity of our guests.    A special thank you goes out to the team behind the scenes Jane and X for all their work and making the podcast possible. Wishing everyone positive thoughts for 2023, and we look forward to our upcoming...
Published 01/07/23
Together with Ochan and Kristen we explore the work both have been leading focused on including students with special educational needs in international schools, and the work New Frontier Inclusion has been leading and supporting international schools around the globe. In tandem we will explore the concept of "communicative intelligence' and approaches to developing  inclusion at a systems level in an international school setting.,    About Ochan Kusuma Powell    Founding member of NFI Design...
Published 12/24/22
Kevin and Amy share their work with MindWell Education, supporting educators and schools around the world with developing well-being. We explore Kevin and Amy's experiences with social and emotional learning and mindfulness in education. What are the opportunities and challenges in supporting educators in an international school context?  About Kevin Hawkins Kevin has worked with adolescents and young people in various contexts for over 40 years - as a teacher, school head, and social worker...
Published 12/09/22
With extensive experience in advancement, communications, admissions and marketing in International Schools, David and Suzette share their journey founding Yellow Car. We explore the unique approach David and Suzette facilitate with schools and organisations, "Experience Strategy", engaging school leaders and school teams to intentionally design the experience of their school.    About David Willows   DR DAVID WILLOWS is Co-founder and Strategic Director at [YELLOW CAR]. Between 2005 and...
Published 11/26/22
Leading change, and shifting a school community to engage in a new vision, mission and learning principles aligning with a personalised learning approach. We are fortunate to explore this topic with Chip Kimball who has been a  Director, Superintendent , Asst. Superintendent and Chief Information Officer in the United States, Singapore and Czech Republic. Chip has been in the forefront in  engaging with this change in International Schools.    Dr. Chip Kimball on Social Media LinkedIn:...
Published 11/12/22