WEF Agenda Contributor Yuval Noah Harari believes that AI will give humans “divine” power to succeed the ability of gods. In this episode of Ideas Have Consequences, Larry sits down with Dr. John Lennox, mathematician, bioethicist, Christian apologist, and author of 2084 Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humanity, to discuss artificial intelligence, transhumanism, and life after death.      
Published 01/02/24
New studies found that 1.6 million people, ages 13 and up, now identify as transgender in the United States. Approximately 300,000 included in that number are youth between 13 and 17.   In this episode of Ideas Have Consequences, Larry describes how our society has conspired to use the transgender movement against Millennials and Gen-Z and gives young men and women advice on how to face our gender-confused world.
Published 12/26/23
How are we supposed to respond when something so perverse is quietly swept under the rug in the public conversation? This is an embarrassment for our country and should be the biggest national news story right now, but instead of unanimous outrage at such a disrespectful act, we have people on the left claiming that a negative response to this behavior is homophobic? In this episode of Ideas Have Consequences, Larry reveals the real reason for these efforts by the left to normalize what is so...
Published 12/21/23
Democrats can no longer deny that we have an alarming issue at the border.New research from the Center for Immigration Studies now estimates that 13 million illegal immigrants have crossed the US-Mexico border since Joe Biden took office in January 2021.In this episode of Ideas Have Consequences, we will discuss how open-border policies are a globalist tool designed to break down a society from within and expose the men behind it. 
Published 12/19/23
In the second part of their interview, Larry and Sean Davis define fascism and discuss how politicians like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have used big tech, corporations, and the press to infiltrate everyday life in America silently. Click Here to Join Larry's Newsletter: https://join.larrytaunton.com/ Get Larry's Tome Course, The Paradox of Pain. Use the Code, "IDEAS" to get the course and access to Tome Exclusive all year for only $8.25 a month....
Published 12/12/23
Do you think the Republican Party should roll back it’s Pro-Life stance to gain more favor with voters?   Abortion and depopulation are controversial topics that evoke strong emotions, spark debates, and cause division worldwide.   In this episode of ‘Ideas Have Consequences,’ we’ll discuss how many have weaponized morality to use abortion as a political ploy and expose the hidden agenda behind it—depopulation. This is the primary objective of WEF Agenda Contributors like Bill Gates, George...
Published 12/05/23
Is cultural appropriation truly racist? Last week, 9-year-old Holden Armenta went to the Kansas City Chiefs’ game, excited to watch his favorite NFL team play football. He was slammed online by Carron J. Phillips from Deadspin for wearing “blackface,” and accused of being racist. In this episode of ‘Ideas Have Consequences,’ we discuss how the attack on Holden Armenta sparks a broader conversation about how the Left targets the weakest in our society to weaponize our morality and hijack the...
Published 12/02/23
Some young people on TikTok have recently engaged in the trend of encouraging others to read Osama Bin Laden’s “Letter to America” from 2002 and respond to it. Many are saying they feel disillusioned by the letter, believing that Osama made valid points in his demand letter to a post-9/11 America, explaining why he orchestrated the 9/11 terrorist attacks.In this episode of ‘Ideas Have Consequences,’ we will examine the three key points that Gen-Z is connecting with in this letter and explain...
Published 11/28/23
In a world where hundreds of thousands have taken to the streets, voicing anti-Semitic sentiments and violent rhetoric against Jewish communities and supporters of Israel, Larry and Sean Davis, co-founder and CEO of The Federalist, bring their unique perspectives to the forefront.  With insightful analysis and candid discussions, they explore the roots of this alarming trend and its impact on global societies. You will gain valuable insights into the forces driving anti-Semitism and discover...
Published 11/21/23
Larry is once again joined by Jim Ferguson, a fellow freedom fighter from the UK. Together, they delve into the dire state of journalism; highlighting the mainstream news media’s role as a crucial component of the globalist propaganda machine. They explore how the narrative is manipulated to bolster various nefarious agendas, touching upon issues such as gun rights, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of the press.   Follow Jim Ferguson on X (Twitter) — @jimfergusonuk...
Published 11/14/23
All cultures are not equal. Some cultures bring degradation. Multiculturalism is an absolute lie and it is destroying the fabric of Western civilization. In this episode, Larry is joined by Jim Ferguson as they explore the global agenda and its impact on immigration, culture, and freedom in the United States and the United Kingdom. They discuss the challenges and concerns surrounding mass migration, the failure of some immigrants to assimilate into Western cultures, and the potential...
Published 11/07/23
In this episode of Ideas Have Consequences discover how Anna Funder's 'Stasiland' unveils a surveillance nightmare that could be closer to home than you think. We’ll explore the haunting realities of East Germany's Stasi regime and the chilling echoes it carries for modern-day America's surveillance landscape. Join us as Anna Funder, shed’s light on the cautionary tale that "Stasiland" presents and its relevance to contemporary issues of privacy and government intrusion.
Published 10/31/23
In this live episode of Ideas Have Consequences I answer some of your questions as well as give more insight into what is taking place between Israel and Hamas. 
Published 10/24/23
I'm seeing so much conversation about the Israel -- Hamas War, dissecting the conflict like it's a great enigma. Here's the obvious thing 
Published 10/17/23
How is it possible for any organization to be so explicitly sinister, anti-human, and get away with it? The short answer is... because we let them. What can be done to stop the agenda of the WEF before it's too late?
Published 10/10/23
Dr. John Lennox, a renowned Oxford Mathematician, joins Larry. They delve into artificial intelligence (AI) and its ethical implications. Dr. Lennox stresses that even in its current state, AI presents pressing ethical concerns, particularly in privacy, surveillance, and disinformation. He underscores the alarming growth of deepfake technology, which can manipulate audio and video to convincingly impersonate individuals, leading to the spread of false information. This, he argues, poses a...
Published 10/03/23
Larry takes another look at entrepreneur and innovator Elon Musk. He's continuing his push for freedom of speech. Is his call for employees to adhere to this principle a threat, or is it a principled stand for preserving individual liberties? We also explore the controversies surrounding Russell Brand and Mike Lindell, who've been targeted for their unwavering stand against the left. Russell Brand, currently facing allegations, has made the headlines. Once very left-leaning, he now openly...
Published 09/26/23
The race to be the 2024 Republican presidential candidate is well underway, with former president Donald Trump and Florida Governor Ron Desantis at the forefront. Both candidates represent and stand up for Christian values in an American society rapidly spiraling into a pagan, anti-child, and pro-abortion culture at the hands of the Liberal Left. In this captivating installment of Ideas Have Consequences, I have the privilege of being joined by Steve Cortes. A seasoned political...
Published 09/19/23
Two years into Joe Biden's presidency, there is growing concern among many Americans about his ability to effectively lead the nation, with a significant portion of the population questioning his control over his faculties and the country's affairs. Joe Biden's journey down mental decline memory lane has been on full display for the world for the past few years. We're all aware of the numerous videos showing Biden stumbling, mumbling incoherently, and being led by others due to his cognitive...
Published 09/12/23
At the very core of any worldview lies a fundamental question: Do you believe in God? The response to this is pivotal, it can set one on a profound journey, either a path of light or down a more obscure path down darkness. In this episode of Ideas Have Consequences I explore various worldviews and the consequences that they bring. We’ll dive deep into the realm of atheism and unbelief, examining the logical outcomes when atheism is taken to its extreme. We also dissect the secularist...
Published 09/05/23
Islam is rapidly spreading and will soon become the largest religion in the world. In this episode, Larry is joined by Dr. Jay Smith, known for his focus on apologetics and polemics among the Muslims of London. In a world where religious dialogue and understanding are more crucial than ever, Jay Smith fearlessly addresses the challenges posed by radical Islam in London. He tackles the confrontations between Muslims and Christians in churches and on university campuses with passion and...
Published 08/29/23
A new wave of influencers like Andrew Tate are flocking toward Islam, dragging crowds with them. But do they know what they’re signing up for? As you’ll find out in this episode, the answer is no —they do NOT.No matter what you think you know about Islam, this will change everything. Larry Alex Taunton interviews Christian evangelist and full-time missionary Dr. Jay Smith. Jay primarily focuses on the historical study of the Christian and Islamic religions. Jay spends much of his time...
Published 08/22/23
Recently, many Americans have rallied in defense of Ukraine following the Russian invasion. They have been posting things like Ukrainian flags adorned with hearts to express solidarity with the fighters and refugees affected by the conflict in Ukraine.However, what most American people may not be aware of is that Ukraine is plagued by deep-seated corruption throughout its entire hierarchy. For centuries, Russia has exerted significant influence over Ukraine, and there seem to be very few, if...
Published 08/15/23
In this episode of Ideas Have Consequences, Larry engages in an enlightening conversation with Jim Ferguson, a passionate advocate standing shoulder-to-shoulder against the World Economic Forum and its intricate global strategies. Jim, a devoted patriot from Scotland with a fervent belief in individual liberties, delves into the meticulous research he has undertaken, unraveling the intricate web woven by the WEF. Unveiling their intentions to exercise control over the worldwide food chain by...
Published 08/08/23
In this episode of Ideas Have Consequences, Larry shares his thoughts about Christopher Nolan’s newest feature film, Oppenheimer. The movie depicts the major events of J. Robert Oppenheimer’s life and the creation of the atomic bomb. The movie also details several of the events surrounding the United States’ dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan during World War 2.Although Oppenheimer is mostly a great movie, there are questionable creative liberties taken to portray...
Published 08/04/23