“Izzy (and Kate), thank you so much for sharing your story and your encouragement. We have always been an unschooling family (with 4 children also, ranging in ages from 12-4) pushing against the norm, and it can be unnerving and challenging for sure, with wavering moments and questioning along the way. I am SO thankful that I came across your blog years ago. I scoured everything that you had written. I remember reading your story about your path to unschooling, and finding everything that you wrote so beautiful. It was a nice touch to hear you tell the story in podcast form. Your posts on Instagram are thought provoking, and I resonate so strongly with everything you write. You have put my feelings about it all into powerful words that I can easily share with others. I recently added your printed guides to my bookshelf, and am so glad to have them. Your work continually grounds me in what I feel and believe, and gives me courage. Thank you, thank you, thank you for shining your light so brightly, it is clear and strong and beautiful, and strengthens the rest of us who are traveling a similar path. Blessings and love to your family.”
Mnferg1007 via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·