Problem Solvers, Part 2: Bruce Thompson's Journey from California Line Foreman to Inventor
Bruce Thompson, a retired journeyman lineworker, has worked for Southern California Edison and line contractors nationwide. After serving as a line foreman and training crew foreman, he invented a new product called the Step-Up to help fellow lineworkers to get in proper positioning when working on poles.
During this episode, he shares his story about going to work with his dad, a lineworker, in Florida; working across the country in the line trade; training the next generation of lineworkers; and inventing a product to help lineworkers to improve safety and efficiency in the field.
For the Line Life Podcast, we are continuing our International Lineman's Rodeo Week series with a focus on Trade Night and the International Lineman's Rodeo. The night before the big competition, lineworkers and their families swap shirts and stories during the annual Trade Night and BBQ. The...
Published 11/15/24
For our latest audio story in our ICYMI series, we are featuring a narrated version of the third article in the 2024 T&D World Lineworker Supplement, "Lineworkers to Leaders." This article explores how lineworkers can make the move from the field to the corporate world by owning their own...
Published 11/08/24