“I chanced upon LITO after seeing it as a recommendation on an acquaintance’s page. I went in with zero expectations, and was just hoping for some 精神上的寄托 because I was facing some roadblocks in my life.
I saw a few titles which intrigued me, things I hoped to seek clarity in. I found myself clicking into every episode because I was like “yes! Yes! I want to know!”. 😂 more I listened, the more I found myself feeling mentally rejuvenated, it was as if I went into a therapy session after each podcast.
In each episode, you can feel both Dan and Rebecca’s sincerity, as we journey with them through their thoughts and experiences towards different topics.
We laughed with them, we nodded along with them. We listened to their past struggles, and learned from their current wisdom.
All in all, I’m just terribly grateful to have chanced upon my acquaintance’s post that fateful day. I’ve learnt so much, and have introduced LITO to many of my friends because I hope they would be able to benefit from it as much as I did.
Anyway, on a personal note, I wanted to share that LITO has given me this extra motivation I needed in my career change. I recently left my stable gov job for something else in the startup scene, it was terrifying but I felt a lot braver to chase after what I want, after listening to the LITO podcast. And I’m happy to report that I’m so, so happy that I took this leap of faith. 🙂
Thank you Dan, and Thank you Rebecca for taking time out to start on this passion project. You guys impact more lives than you realise. :’)
(P.S. I’m leaving this comment because I saw that this would make Dan’s birthday even better hahaha. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAN!! Here’s wishing you all the happiness and joy in the world. ✨ and I wish to be like you when I’m 45. Hehe.)”
Xue Miao via Apple Podcasts ·
Singapore ·