Today we are talking about the relationship between the soil microbes and plants, they evolved together over millions of years. Plants talk to microbes with a chemical trigger telling them to activate in a function to feed the system. The plant can use over 1,000 different exudates to communicate with microbes or the building blocks of a language between the two. Plants use microbes to find and free nutrients the plants need. Other topics and themes of the discussion include:
Pre-world war two regenerative agriculture practices and how things changed that killed (and are killing) our soil microbes.
We can’t anticipate what the plants needs at all times, so let the microbes and plants do it together. Other strategies can be proactive to prevent these issues.
My favorite line from the show – “Every crop has an inherent maximum yield. Our job as farmers is screw that up as little as possible.”
Soil priming solution, how to get your biology rip-roaring before planting.
David Olson is our partner for our Concentrated Biology product. Soil biology is critical to plant growth.