Jordan and Philip talk with Professor Alison McQueen about Thomas Hobbes and his engagement with Scripture. They cover topics like who is Hobbes, what is the argument of Leviathan, the importance of biblical literacy for the study of Hobbes, the theological background of some of these old debates, and more.
1) Alison McQueen's website
2) Political Realism in Apocalyptic Times, Alison McQueen
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Published 06/12/24
Jordan talks with Zach Manis about his latest work on the problem of hell. They cover topics like What is the problem of hell? Which aspect of the problem do you think is most acute? What are some "bad" ways to avoid the problem of hell? What is the divine presence model? How do you deal with passages like 2 Thess. 1:9 and Luke 16:19-31, since those seem to suggest separation from God, and even in spatial terms in the Luke passage? And more!
1) Thinking Through the Problem of Hell,...
Published 06/05/24
Jordan talks with Robert Kolb about Martin Luther and his view of reality. They cover all sorts of topics in this wide ranging interview like what does Luther actually think of reality, does he reject the third use of the law?, what is his relationship to Ockham versus Aquinas, how close is he to Catholicism, what purpose does the light of nature serve for Luther, and what can we learn from Luther's polemics? And more!
1) Face to Face: Martin Luther's View of Reality, Robert...
Published 05/29/24
Jordan and Caleb talk with John Tweeddale about Owen and his work on Hebrews. They cover topics like: Can we understand Owen's biography or theology apart from his work on Hebrews? How does Owen understand the Abrahamic Covenant? How does Owen think of the Mosaic Covenant? Is it a covenant of works or grace or something else? Why should the pastor invest time and resources into Owen over others? And more!
1) John Owen and Hebrews, John Tweeddale
2) T&T Clark Handbook of John...
Published 05/22/24
Jordan talks with Eric Smith about the life and legacy of E. Y. Mullins. They cover topics like: Who was Mullins? Did Mullins think he was rejecting Boyce's calvinism or saving it? Was he a liberal or just a centrist ecumenical? What was his view of inspiration? Who influenced him the most? Is he influenced by those like Schleiermacher? Was his doctrine of soul competency as articulated good or bad?
1) Baptist 21 Podcast with Eric
2) John Leland, Eric Smith
3) Sixty years with the...
Published 05/15/24
Jordan is joined by Garrett, Ryan, Caleb, and Joshua to discuss a range of topics, including how to pastorally deal with popular media personalities and conspiracy theories.
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Published 05/14/24
Jordan and Hunter talk with Stephen Presley about his new book on cultural sanctification. They cover topics like: Can Christianity coexist with paganism? Can there be peace? How similar are we to ancient Rome? Do we really have a problem? What caused it? 21. What are the various options that Christians have to respond? Retreat? Fight? Something between? How does cultural sanctification differ from isolation and confrontation? How much should we care about our public witness? How much do...
Published 05/08/24
Jordan talks with Jamey Gorman and Richard Hughes about their book on the Churches of Christ. They cover topics like what is the church of Christ? What are its distinctive characteristics? What are the origins of the churches of Christ? Why did many oppose dispensationalism and how did the rise of Christian America influence them? Why is there such an opposition to missions societies from some? How did the Churches of Christ become comfortable with institutions that transcend the local...
Published 05/01/24
Jordan talks with Sawyer Moranville, Executive Director of Lingua Deo Gloria, about the biblical languages. They cover topics like how to best learn them, if they are necessary to know, whether all Christians can learn them, how language works and translation philosophies, and more!
1) Lingua Deo Gloria
2) A Child's Koine Greek Book
3) Jonah: A Visual Reader
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Published 04/24/24
Jordan and Garrett talk with Tim Cooper about the life and thought of Richard Baxter. They cover topics like his relationship with John Owen, what he thought of justification, his advice for dealing with grief and suffering, his view of pastoral ministry, and more!
1) John Owen, Richard Baxter and the Formation of Nonconformity, Tim Cooper
2) The Reformed Pastor: Updated and Abridged, Tim Cooper
3) The Saints' Everlasting Rest: Updated and Abridged, Tim Cooper
4) When Christians...
Published 04/17/24
Hunter and Cody talk with Patrick Schreiner about his new book on the transfiguration. They cover topics like what is the transfiguration, what the symbols of the transfiguration are, how pastors should teach it, what role it plays in systematic and practical theology, and more!
1) The Transfiguration of Christ, Patrick Schreiner
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Published 04/10/24
Jordan talks with Ryan Fields about his new book on the free church and catholicity. They cover topics like: What is catholicity and why should we want it? Does catholicity involve more than unity? How do Episcopal groups typically define catholicity? Can one denomination monopolize the terminology of catholicity? Why do most think the free church cant have catholicity? Why do free churches not readily identify as catholic? Should they? How do we encourage if so? Is there historical precedent...
Published 04/03/24
Jordan and Joseph talk with Kevin Kinghorn about his work on God and value judgments. They cover topics like: What is a value judgment? Are they beliefs with cognitive content or are they sentiments or something else? What does it mean to call intuitive judgments quasi-perceptions? Are our value judgments from God? In what sense are they from God? Are they special revelation or natural revelation? How are they formed? What are the implications for our views on this and spiritual formation?...
Published 03/27/24
Jordan talks with Todd Haines and Natasha Kennedy about the FatCat series of books, how to catechize our children, why it matters, whether we can depict Jesus in books, and more!
1) The entire FatCat series of books!
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Published 03/20/24
Jordan talks with Daniel Williams about the history of the pro-life movement before Roe v. Wade. They cover topics like: What does it mean to be pro-life? Why do many histories of postwar American politics treat the pro-life movement as a reaction against Roe vs Wade only? Who were the very first to be "pro-life"? Were Catholics the first pro-lifers? Did they initially see any distinction between contraception and abortion? What about Protestants? Why was there such a consensus for the...
Published 03/13/24
Garrett, Caleb, Hunter, and Jordan talk about Baptist history and theologies of retrieval.
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Published 03/11/24
Jake and Jesse return
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Published 03/07/24
Jordan and Cody talk with Dru Johnson about his latest book on Darwin and Scripture. They cover topics like: What does Darwin have to do with Scripture? Why would anyone be uncomfortable with the idea that the biblical authors make our world existentially, ethically, and physically coherent in a way that can be harmonized with science? You claim that the biblical literature presents a coherent and sustained intellectual world for us to enter. In what ways does this open new possibilities and...
Published 03/06/24
Jordan talks with Han-Luen about Augustine and the will. They cover topics like: What is the will? Did Augustine invent our concept of the will? Why has Augustine's thought on the will been such a difficult topic? How much does his own maturation and development make it more difficult? Does Augustine's doctrine of providence fit with his view of free will? How do later thinkers, particularly Thomas and the Reformers, modify/adapt Augustine's approach to the will? How does baptism affect the...
Published 02/28/24
Jordan talks with Jesse Couenhoven about moral agency among children. They cover topics such as: What is moral theory and moral agency? Why do we have a tendency to exaggerate the agency of children, disabled persons, etc.? Why have studies in the past been systematically biased? Should we be cynical about studies like these? Why has the approach to putting the "age of reason" at 12 (or otherwise) come under empirical critique? Why is childhood theologically important? Are children...
Published 02/21/24
Jordan talks with Andreas Beck about Gisbertus Voetius, his contributions, and why he matters. They cover topics like: Who were the most important theological and philosophical influences for him? Was he influenced by Thomas? By Scotus? By others? How did he receive them? What did Voetius think about freedom and contingency? Was he similar to others in his early modern period? Did he differ from the earlier Reformers?
1) Reformed Thought on Freedom: The Concept of Free Choice in...
Published 02/14/24
Jordan talks with Chris Chun about Jonathan Edwards and his relationship to and with Baptists. They cover topics like: Is Edwards a proto-baptist? Why did he ignore the topic of paedobaptism in his writings? How does his belief in baptism compare to his contemporary congregationalist ministers or to separate baptists like Backus? How did Baptists interact with Edwards? And more!
1) The Legacy of Jonathan Edwards in the Theology of Andrew Fuller, Chris Chun
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Published 02/07/24
Jake and Jesse discuss the life, ministry, and work of Thomas Monck.
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Published 02/01/24
Jordan talks with Ryan Currie about theological aesthetics. They cover topics like: What is theological aesthetics? How does culture and art relate? What does it mean to have a theological aesthetic based on the theology of the cross? Why is beauty related to glory? And more!
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Published 01/31/24
Jordan and Brandon talk with Ross Inman about his new book on Christian Philosophy.
1) Christian Philosophy as a Way of Life, Ross Inman
2) Substance and the Fundamentality of the Familiar, Ross Inman
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Published 01/24/24