“This was INCREDIBLE! I learned so much from listening to this, and I had a lot of fun too. Thanks, Gen-Z. You always create the best podcasts. Thanks to the company that helped them. (Sorry, I forgot the name of that certain company.) Ever since I watched Captain Marvel, I’ve truly understood how powerful women can be. When I watched Hamilton, I cheered for Angelica, Eliza, and Peggy. These three women truly made a difference in the world. But people overlook these historical women. I didn’t even know they existed. Why is it we learn about Hamilton but not his wife, who did more good than he did? And why is it we don’t grow up learning the names of the powerful women who changed our country? Well, that changes now. The young generation of people that listen to this podcast will learn the names of these powerful women and what they did to change our country. They’ll learn why giving up is not an option, and they’ll learn that when someone sets their mind to something, they can make all the difference. I’m only 12, almost 13. When I say younger generation, I mean the five to ten year olds who deserve to grow up learning about this movement. I didn’t. I wish I did. But now you have a chance to learn how many people with a common goal can change the world.
Don’t throw away your shot.
-Carol Marvellette”
Carol Marvellette via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·