“Brandon’s years of efforts in producing this wonderful podcast have provided me with immense enjoyment and relaxation these last months. It has taken me 3 months to hear both series and in that time not only have I recognised a new interest in history and particularly as related to maritime matters and to the Eastern med, sailing being one of my fascinations and Greece the subject (object?) of my wife and my long term residency plans.
I have to admit I am still processing the idea that technology brings what feels like a one to one conversation across the thousands of miles from Minneapolis St Paul all the way to the UK, or anywhere else for that matter. It happens that over morning coffee today I heard Mr Musk describing his ambition for a multi planet species. It makes me think of a lone worker somewhere on an earth like planet after a day of hard work building the first colony there, listening to a podcast from old planet earth and feeling a little whimsical and lonely... anyway I digress in a manner more spectacular even than our hero so I will return to the review...
So overall I enjoy the delivery. The pace and style are really accessible to me and the humility that underlies Brandon’s delivery helps build a relationship with the listener. This one anyway. I appreciate the insights into the context of the podcasts development, I feel that Brandon is hesitant to burden listeners with these but for me, for one, knowing a little about the person delivering information adds richness.
I have binged the content to date and have to admit to being to wrapped up on it to either write a review or make a contribution. So now one of those obligations is met, I commit to look into the second. Meanwhile I want to say thank you Brandon for this wonderful experience and I look out for episode 41 and after. I would also say thought should series 2 be the last, this is a wonderful and internally complete body of work.”
howard-icles via Apple Podcasts ·
Great Britain ·