“Love the podcast, but way too much Rico Bosco. Most people can only tolerate a little Rico. TJ, the next time Mark suggests to have Rico on the podcast, tase him. If he suggests it again, tase him again and recommend to Mark to go into his contacts and get someone else on, perhaps Jon Rothstein. If he suggests it again, tase him again and tell him to get into a car and drive to one of the many D1 universities within a 3 hour drive of Chicago and he can interview the coach or the best player (or even better, drive over to the BTN HQ in Chicago and interview one of their many analysts). If he dares mention Bosco again, tase him a 4th time, and recommend that he drive down Chicago State and have a wonderfully awkward interview with their coach. If you need a taser, I can provide one at a nominal cost.
Joe Shlabotnik,
Midwest Chapter President
The Benevolent and Protective Order of Skells
Chapter 666”
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