Today's episode is my personal pause as we start the new year. It's a chance for me as your host to reflect, celebrate some minimalish milestones, and share what I've got planned for the podcast in 2024. In the 2023 Podcast Recap segment of today's episode I share: -the top 5 episodes of the year -Fun statistics to celebrate In the "looking ahead" segment, you'll hear: -A few fun things coming up on minimal-ish this year -Some of my goals for the year and how I'm approaching goal setting this...
Published 01/04/24
Today's episode piggy backs off of episode 212, our annual goal setting episode. Today we go over four other ways to set goals or just plan intentionally for 2024. We go over setting a word for the year, setting goals on a monthly or quarterly basis, a 24 in 24 list, and more. This episode is meant to spark ideas for your 2024 planning, and even if you're not a goal setter, I hope it helps you do some intentional reflecting and planning. Links: desiraeendres.com/goals for last week's...
Published 12/21/23
Each year on Minimal-ish we set a deep, meaningful goal to take us in to the next year. Today, we've got our goal setting episode and we start with reflection, determine what matters to us, list our values, and then set a goal based on our values. I have a worksheet to help guide you along in this process. Grab It at desiraeendres.com/goals. Other links: Find Desirae on Instagram Get Simple Morning Lists Podcast Website Sponsor: This episode is sponsored by CoPilot. Get a fitness plan that...
Published 12/14/23
Today I am honored to have Rachel Cruze on the show to help us find effective ways to teach our kids about gratitude and contentment, especially in the midst of this holiday season. Rachel recently wrote a children's book, I'm Glad for What I Have, which features a simple story that can be a catalyst for having the conversation with our kids about what truly fulfills us in life (spoiler alert: it's not material things). Rachel shares different strategies and routines we can implement into...
Published 12/07/23
Today I have a Holiday Q&A to round out the last of the Quarterly Q&A episodes this year! I pulled a few of your questions from instagram, and talk about the following in this episode: How do you deal with the overwhelm of so much stuff coming in? What are your favorite traditions? How do you find rest during such a busy schedule What are some things you don't do for the holidays because of minimalism? This was a fun one to record, so I hope it you enjoy listening! You...
Published 11/30/23
Today I'm bringing you a message that has been on my heart for a while now - we're talking all about the false promise of the perfectly tidy home and what actually matters more. How do we allow ourselves to rest when we've been so used to spinning our wheels to become "more minimal" or find the best systems for our home? We also talk about the cost of all the magic making during the holiday season, and I bring you a quick black friday pep talk. This episode is my holiday message to you! I...
Published 11/22/23
Today we're getting back to basics and talking all things organization, with decluttering being an important step in the process. Janelle Williams is my guest today. She's a professional organizer, published author and speaker, and she really brings us mindset shifts when it comes to getting and STAYING organized. Today's episode will give you a deep why for inspiration along with steps to help you get started. This episode is perfect for beginners and those already in the midst of their...
Published 11/16/23
Today is the perfect episode to press play and do a 20-30 minute mini decluttering session along with me! We're talking about decluttering the toys, and I also go on a little rabbit trail and share my recent decluttering project with you: my entry way, which also included some toys. Like each Declutter with Me episode, I walk you through my own decluttering, and then I share some tips for your decluttering session. Today's episode is a special edition, because I actually read through Day 12...
Published 11/09/23
How do we get intentional about the way we give (and even receive) our gifts as we get closer to the holiday season? Today I'm talking about this topic with Rachael Classi, founder and CEO of Tiny Earth Toys. Rachael shares about Tiny Earth's toy rental subscription which is a great way to get intentional about what's under our trees, but we also talk about our own experiences with gift exchanges with extended family, the struggle of worrying our kids will disappointed when our gifts under...
Published 11/02/23
Today I have Joey Odom, Cofounder of Aro, on the podcast to talk all about the importance of changing our habits with our phones. Many of us know our habits with picking up our phones and scrolling so often are harming us and our relationships in some way, but it can be difficult to change these habits. Joey brings plenty of research to this conversation to help us build a deep why for working towards real habit change in this area. We talk about practical tips for changing the habit in...
Published 10/26/23
Today we have a hybrid episode: part solo episode/ part guest episode. I'm bringing you all of my tips for a minimal-ish postpartum, and I'm also bringing on a guest, Dr. Nicole Sparks, board certified OBGYN, to talk about simplifying postpartum care and her biggest tips for new moms. We go through the four pillars of Minimal-ish living and apply them to postpartum life in today's episode. If you're going through the postpartum period, or will be postpartum in the near future, I hope this...
Published 10/19/23
Today we are talking all about having more fun! My guest, Catherine Price, is the author of How to Break up with Your Phone and The Power of Fun: How to Feel Alive Again. Catherine's Website and Courses - Use code MINIMALISM15 for 15% off! The Power of Fun: How to Feel Alive Again Podcast Website Desirae on Instagram Your Minimal-ish Holidays Launch Team Sponsors: Copilot: Start feeling your best today. Use the link go.mycopilot.com/minimalish to get your 14 day free trial! Indeed: Get a 75...
Published 10/12/23
Today we have a special edition of "Declutter with Me." I'll be walking you through my problem areas in my own kitchen and my thought process when I come across items I'm unsure if I want to keep or declutter. I'll also guide you through a kitchen maintenance declutter before we get to the holiday season. The kitchen is not only the heart of the home- I'd argue it's also the heart of the holiday season. What makes this a special edition of the "Declutter with Me" series? I'm reading an...
Published 10/05/23
Today we have a minimalism story from Korie Veidel, a wife and mom to two who was propelled into minimalism through a series of really devastating events in her life. As she first started out in minimalism, she and her husband went to the extreme. They even lived in a tiny home as they were starting their family. As her family grew, her view on minimalism shifted. Today she shares her story including how and why she lives with less, what she has learned from minimalism throughout the years,...
Published 09/28/23
Today is Minimal-ish's 200th episode! It's time to stop and celebrate, as we have quite a few milestones to celebrate! At the beginning of September it was Minimal-ish's 5 year birthday, we crossed 3 million downloads, and now we're on our 200th episode! In today's episode, I'm sharing the story of minimal-ish - how it came to be, the valleys and mountains along the way, and where it's going. I'll also share the top downloaded episodes, my favorite moments on the show, and 5 things I learned...
Published 09/21/23
Today I'm bringing you a solo episode/ guest episode hybrid to talk all about photo organization and decluttering. This has been a highly requested topic, and I am far from an expert. When I look at digital files and photos, my mind just goes blank on where to start. I knew I needed help in this area, so I went in search of photo decluttering tools and discovered Mylio. I've been grateful to partner with them after using their software to help me get started in an overwhelming decluttering...
Published 09/14/23
Today, Juliana Ong of Stories of Play is my guest, and we talk all about the importance of play for our kids and how we can foster creative, open ended, independent play. While this is a fun, somewhat light hearted topic, it's also one where intentionality can make all the difference. I can vouch for this because after my conversation with Jules, I changed a lot about our family's play space and the way I approach and view play in our home, and I've seen so much more focused play from my...
Published 09/07/23
Today my guest is Tyler Moore of Tidy Dad, and you're not going to want to miss this conversation! We dig into Tyler's story and his reason for tidying up his life, and he shares about how physical decluttering lead to emotional decluttering. He also brings practical tips on what it looks like to "surthrive," layer routines, and give yourself grace in the midst of transitions. This episode brings encouragement for any season, but it's certainly a great one for the back to school season. I...
Published 08/31/23
Today we are finishing off our back to school series with a solo episode all in the name of reflecting and setting ourselves up for an intentional season. We reflect on our back to school yeses and nos, and we apply the four pillars of minimal-ish living to the start of the school year. I'm excited about this episode as I love talking through these four pillars with you, and the school year always holds a special place in my heart! I hope you enjoy it (even if your kids aren't school aged) -...
Published 08/24/23
Today I have Mandy Davis as my guest as we talk all things back to school with a focus on homeschooling. Mandy shares her story of why she homeschools (coming from a background with several years as both a teacher and principal), along with how we can simplify learning at home. If you homeschool and you've felt overwhelmed by the massive amount of resources and ideas on the internet, this episode will be a breath of fresh air for you. Links: Mandy on Instagram Mandy's website Desirae on...
Published 08/17/23
Today's episode is part one in a two part back to school series! It's that time of year when a shift in the routine is coming for many of us. Diana Rene is my guest today, and we're focusing on systems that can simplify some of the most overwhelming parts of the season, like the influx of paper that comes into our homes or the amount of school lunches we have to pack over the next several months. We also talk about simplifying getting out the door in the morning. Stay tuned for next part two...
Published 08/10/23
Today we have another episode of our “Declutter with Me” series! I am in the process of tackling our basement, which is where we put everything as we moved into our home. I got several requests to talk about storage spaces of some sort or another: the garage, basement, attic, etc. While I was hesitant because this topic is probably the worst of decluttering, we’re doing it! I take you through my basement situation, how I’m tackling it, and tips for you as you create a game plan and tackle...
Published 08/03/23
Today is another edition of minimalism stories! I have Leah Franklin of Leah's Simple Life on the show to share her story of how her family has been pursuing less clutter and a simplified life for the past 10 years. She talks about how they keep a 1200 square ft home clutter free with a family of 6, using spacial boundaries, seeking inspiration on the journey, and more! Leah is such a fun, warm, inviting soul- I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did! Links Leah on...
Published 07/27/23
I could barely figure out a name to this episode because my guest, Claudia Erickson, and I talked about so many things packed into one episode when it comes to unplugging to connect with the people in front of us. From helping our kids create better screen habits, to modeling those habits ourselves - Claudia brings a wealth of ideas to keep us and our kids off our phones more. If you find yourself or your kids on your screens more than you'd like to be and you're feeling the negative effects,...
Published 07/20/23
Today is our Quarterly Q&A for Quarter 3 and I'm excited to be answering a few kid-themed questions! Here's what we talk about: -What do you do about the influx of stuff from other people, like grandparents and in laws -Do you have many outdoor toys? If so, what are your favorites? -Do you keep baby stuff? What does that look like for you to store stuff to pass down to the next kid? I also want to remind you we will be starting our content decluttering challenge on Monday, July 17th! Join...
Published 07/13/23