Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction … (James 1:17 ESV)    In this week’s podcast, veteran missionaries Ron and Terry Brian give powerful witness to the truth that one can be a missionary and still take care of those who are hurting. The Brian’s indefatigable efforts include Bible school, English classes, programs to feed the hungry community, and a non-stop construction project to build ever more churches.  It is...
Published 06/15/21
Missionary of 29 years to Bangladesh, Brother James Corbin discusses principles for long-term success on the mission field, ranging from confidence in our calling to consistency in language and cultural study. At the same time, Brother Corbin reminds us that God cannot demonstrate His miraculous power until we step out of our comfort zone in faith.  The consistent sowing of these principles, in faith, has turned Bangladesh into a revival nation. The Corbin’s have nearly completed a Bible...
Published 06/08/21
There are two sides to every story. The wives join The Missions Table to give the woman’s perspective of the missions experience.  The team of ladies recalls their thoughts, emotions, and reservations as God began to call their families to the mission field. Where will the kids go to school? Is there adequate healthcare? Am I spiritually prepared to be a missionary?  Packed with inspiring testimonies, the ladies recount the numerous ways in which God has miraculously taken care of them and...
Published 06/01/21
“How do you keep your family close to God on the mission field?” “How do I plan for my future financially as a missionary?” Veteran missionary to Bolivia and Spain Howard Smith joins The Missions Table. Brother Smith shares lessons from 32 years of experience about some of the things he wishes he would have known as a new missionary. He addresses everything from changing fields of ministry to church planting methodologies, to raising a family oversees, and maintaining a right spirit in the...
Published 05/25/21
When God called Elisha, he burnt his plow and sacrificed his oxen. Elisha went “all in” with God and his mentor, Elijah. But is it really that easy to leave the career, the mortgage, and the car payments behind to pursue missions?  In this week’s podcast, The Missions Table team explores this question. Brother Ryan Paul and Brother Sam Zenobia share their experiences in leaving successful careers, as well as the Biblical principles that helped them break loose from the “rat race” and...
Published 05/18/21
Missionary Troy Wickett from Fiji and the Solomon Islands explains how his “doorway policy” with God helped him and his family transition from the pastorate of an established North American church to a 3rd world missions field. Brother Wickett also takes us step-by-step on how a missionary can plug into a nationalized work to help that work.  He shares how the Lord has blessed the work, despite challenges with communications technology and travel among the hundreds of inhabited islands that...
Published 05/11/21
Not everyone who is called to missions receives a supernatural vision or hears an audible voice from God. So how do we discern whether the call to missions is from God and authentic?  The Missions Table (TMT) Team shares the unique ways in which the call to missions came to them, and how they became convinced of its authenticity and followed it. While each person’s call and journey to missions is unique, the TMT Team shares time-tested principles to follow in pursuit of the call. These...
Published 05/04/21
Veteran missionary of 41 years to Pakistan and now the Asia-Pacific region Allan Shalm joins The Missions Table. Brother Shalm recounts the first-ever evangelistic crusade in Pakistan and stresses the importance of hearing and acting God’s voice to the success of that crusade.  You can read more about the life and ministry of the Shalm family in the book by Georgene Shalm, Allan was away: Basically, the story of my life.  It includes the good, the bad, the funny, and the tragic, you’ll laugh,...
Published 05/04/21
Meet your hosts at The Missions Table (TMT): Missionary Nathan Harrod, Associate Missionaries Ryan Paul and Josh Tingley, and Associate in Missions Sam Zenobia!  Discover what ministry opportunities and roles exist for “entry-level” missionaries in a European revival work like Spain. Far from picking up the supervising missionary’s laundry, this team of new missionaries forms an integral part of the church in Barcelona, Spain, and the nation.  If you’d like to learn more about the United...
Published 05/04/21
What is The Missions Table all about? Here is a quick intro from your host, Nathan Harrod, expressing the vision behind The Missions Table.
Published 04/19/21