Wondering how to #sama-sama do kindness with a big heart? Head over to Sama-Sama Lokal feature on the M2U app and support your favorite lokal merchants that are onboard in Maybank Islamic’s Social Finance Programme!
Pssst🤫be ready to be spoilt by plenty of appetizing, divine taste of lokal food by truly yours lokal merchant only via M2U app. Let’s sama-sama support lokal merchants and gain healthy weight together, oppsss😆 Click on the link to know more about Maybank sama-sama lokal and Maybank Islamic's Islamic Social Finance Programme.
“Kecil - kecil cili padi.”
Most times, we tend to delay doing a kind act, we keep on waiting and waiting for the “right time” to come. The bad news is that the “right time” would not come instead the good news is the “right time” to do kindness is NOW no matter how insignificant the size is!
As He who is Al-Baseer (The All-Seeing) and Al- Khabeer (The All-Aware) never gets tired of rewarding your good deeds as long as you do it with a big wholehearted, sincere heart.
Let’s start doing small acts with a big heart now as we truly root for “kecil-kecil cili padi”!
Go to @miziwahidpodcast for this special Maulidur Rasul Month where together with Maybank Islamic we spread messages of goodness and the importance of giving back in reminisce of our beloved Prophet Muhammad PBUH kindness and gentleness acts.
#dogoodspreadkindness #MaybankIslamic