Who is the mother and father and grandfather of the universe? Who is the goal of life? Who is death? Who is rain? Who is the heat from the sun? Who is the most dear friend of ours? Krishna answers all of these questions.
Published 11/13/23
Ever pick up someone you love at the airport? It’s easy to recognize them because you know them. You love them. Truly great souls can recognize God instantly because they have taken the time to get to know Him. To love Him.
Published 11/06/23
What does Krishna call His enemies who never recognize his Divinity when He is in human form? Fools! The truth is that people who are attracted towards atheism will never know the beauty of uncovering a personal relationship with God.
Published 10/30/23
The cosmic order of the universe is truly miraculous. But how does it all function? Who creates everything? Who destroys everything? In this episode, Krishna explains how He does all of this whilst still remaining neutral.
Published 10/22/23
What is the best secret you were ever told? Was it pure? Was it joyful? Did it help you become a better version of yourself? Krishna is hinting at the biggest secrets that He will reveal in this sacred book.
Published 10/16/23
Welcome to the (very secret) Chapter 9: The Most Confidential Knowledge. Here we dive deeper into what devotional service actually means and the 9 ways to get closer to Krishna: 1) Hearing 2) Chanting 3) Remembering 4) Serving 5) Worshiping 6) Praying
Published 10/09/23
In these final verses of chapter 8, Krishna explains the various ways one can depart from this earth. But the true devotee doesn’t care about how they die, but only how they can keep their consciousness fixed on the Supreme Lord.
Published 10/02/23
What happens when you transcend the cycle of birth and death? Do you come back down to the material world? Krishna explains the what happens when you finally meet Him.
Published 09/25/23
If liberation is achieved, do we take birth again on planet Earth? Where do we go? What is it like there? Krishna answers these vital questions and also begins to explain what’s a typical day like for Brahma.
Published 09/18/23
How does one remember God at the time of death? How does one concentrate on Krishna during one of the hardest moments in life? Understanding the answer to these questions will help us all understand the path to liberation.
Published 09/10/23
Death. Let’s talk about it. According to Bhakti Yoga philosophy, death is one of the most important times in one’s life. It’s the ultimate exam in life. Krishna explains what happens at this critical time and how much it affects your next life.
Published 09/03/23
Arjuna starts off Chapter 8 by asking all the big questions we have all been wondering about. Krishna, the great active listener that He is, starts to tackle Arjuna’s inquires one by one.
Published 08/28/23
What if you were a really nice person in a past life? You did everything right, you donated, you were spiritual, you even helped old ladies cross the street! Krishna explains how the next lifetime might look for you.
Published 08/21/23
Imagine knowing all that happened in the past, all that is happening now and all that will happen in the future. Who can do that? Krishna can! He truly knows all, but who truly knows Him?
Published 08/14/23
Doubling down on atheists and those who don’t really know who God is, Krishna now explains why these folks will never truly understand His Supreme nature.
Published 08/08/23
Demigods are givers! They give wealth (Goddess Laxmi), they give education (Goddess Saraswati), they remove obstacles (Lord Ganesha), etc. But for our spiritual growth, which God/Goddess is best to pray to?
Published 07/31/23
Do parents have a favorite child? Does God have a favorite discipline? If so, how does one get to be Krishna’s favorite? In this episode, things get a little heated as we debate whether or not Krishna plays favorites!
Published 07/24/23
Krishna has a great therapist and is VERY self aware. In this episode, He entails the four types of people that will never turn to Him and the four types of people that will.
Published 07/17/23
We are all affected by the three modes of goodness, passion, and ignorance. But, is Krishna also affected by these? We get to dive deeper in this episode!
Published 07/10/23
Let’s talk about sex, baby. That’s right, Krishna talks about how He is sex life. I mean, if God is everything, then everything is in Him. So that includes EVERYTHING! We hope you enjoy this 50th episode! Woo-hoo!
Published 07/04/23
What if God had a Tinder profile where He listed all the cool things about himself? Chapter 7 is essentially that profile! Krishna begins to slowly unravel who and what He is. He is the taste in water and the light from the sun and the moon...
Published 06/26/23
You know when you’re on a date with someone and have an immediate crush on them and want to know EVERYTHING about them? And then they proceed to tell you that They are the start and finish of everything that is material and spiritual in this world?
Published 06/19/23
Welcome to Chapter 7! One of the biggest existential questions that one can ask is, Who is God? Well, to know someone is to love someone. Thus, this is the chapter where we learn all about who Krishna truly is.
Published 06/12/23
Spiritual loophole ALERT! Krishna tells Arjuna that whatever spiritual credit you put in your spiritual bank account, you never lose it, lifetime after lifetime.
Published 06/05/23
Arjuna is like ‘no bueno, I can’t still my mind’ and Krishna is like, with practice, you can do anything, even meditate! But then Arjuna asks a very important question, what if one starts on their journey to become a modern yogi but…fails?
Published 05/29/23