“I am a huge Dave Ramsey fan, but I feel like his advise is kinda surfacey and designed for people that don’t have any discipline. Don’t get me wrong I’ve followed the Ramsey Steps and it has gotten my wife and I at a great spot, but these guys take it to the next level. They understand credit cards aren’t the devil if used wisely, they get into the nuts and bolts of where to put your money and why, they share tax tips, and all that. I really like the show a lot. Only issue I have with it is they are constantly pushing 25% savings into retirement and I feel like that’s aspirational and only for high income or dual income families. My wife and I have a tight budget and don’t have anything extravagant. No car payments, humble home, barely eat out, we tithe, etc. But there is no way we could save 25%. We are scraping to get just over 15% saved into a Roth. That is likely because we are a one income household, but at times I feel like they can be out of touch. They are adjusting some due to this inflationary environment, but I’d like them to speak to us that don’t have six figure incomes from time to time. I’m in a good career and working my way up, but still not at the six figure mark with my full time job and a good side hustle. Overall, I really like the money guy show and highly recommend. I plan to use them as I get into the abundance phase of my life and have already referred others that are ahead of me on the curve. Thanks for the show guys. And Bo, you may want to start off with something other than, “I so excited about this topic.” lol.”
GregSawyerJr via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·