“When I initially discovered this podcast, I found out my husband had been using porn behind my back for nearly the entire decade we had been married. I found a couple of the episodes helpful in the very beginning of my healing process, but the more I learned about how hidden porn use is psychological abuse in and of itself due to the manipulation, deception, etc that comes into play as a means to cover up the infidelity, I began to realize how toxic some of the messages are here. Sexual betrayal is not a “forgive and forget” type of situation. A victim/survivor of betrayal trauma needs immense support. Infidelity of any sort causes legitimate trauma that the betrayed spouse should seek a trauma informed therapist’s help. Some of the content here is probably helpful for an otherwise healthy marriage, but I can only bring myself to give 1 star due to the serious danger that the episodes on intimate betrayal (this includes porn use) can cause.”
StephLC86 via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·