Tips welcome: ⁠https://ko-fi.com/napoleonicist⁠ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thenapoleonicwarspod In the first EVER livestream of the Napoleonic Wars Channel (the YouTube brother of the podcast), I sat down with Josh Provan to pick apart the visually spectacular trailer for Ridley Scott's hotly anticipated film Napoleon, which lands in cinemas in November 2023. Twitter: @zwhitehistory | @landofhistory
Published 07/15/23
Graeme Callister, Luke Reynolds, Beatrice de Graaf and Evan Wilson all join me to talk about the legacy of the famous battle, and its relevance for society. Support the show at https://www.patreon.com/thenapoleonicwarspod Twitter: @zwhitehistory | @beatricedegraaf | @wilsonevan | @lureynol | @GraemeCallister
Published 07/11/23
One of the most respected historians of the British army during the Peninsular War, Gavin Daly, joins me to talk about the British sieges of the Peninsular War, attitudes to siege warfare, and yes, we talk plunder... Buy the book: https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/storm-and-sack/256A214C21AF3AC9928C96149B820BB5 Twitter: @zwhitehistory Enjoy bonus content: https://www.patreon.com/thenapoleonicwarspod
Published 06/04/23
To mark the release of historical novelist Ben Kane's new novel Napoleon's Spy, I sat down with the Sunday Times Bestseller to talk about the challenges of writing a novel set during Napoleon's invasion of Russia, whilst also retaining the historical authenticity. Buy the book: https://geni.us/NapoleonsSpyBenKane Twitter: @zwhitehistory | @BenKaneAuthor Enjoy bonus content: https://www.patreon.com/thenapoleonicwarspod
Published 05/25/23
What if Josephine had given birth to a son? What if Napoleon hadn't had any siblings? What if Napoleon had never invaded Russia? Charles McAye, Candice Proctor and Graeme Callister make some sensational pitches for the 'biggest what if' of Napoleonic history, offering some mind-bending analysis in a 'just for fun' episode that highlights just how complicated the web of history can be. Twitter: @csharris2 | @BubblesVampire | @GraemeCallister | @zwhitehistory Buy the books: Candice and the...
Published 05/14/23
Evan Wilson joins me to talk about the demobilisation of troops from the British armed forces post-war, explaining why the peace process could actually be pretty horrible for troops who suddenly found themselves redundant. Twitter: @wilsonevan | @zwhitehistory Buy the book: https://www.umasspress.com/9781625347343/the-horrible-peace/
Published 05/07/23
Silvia Gregorio-Sainz joins me in the third instalment of the Peninsular War series to talk about how Cantabria exploded into opposition to French occupation in a story involving a warrior priest, British agents, and the snaffling of eyewatering sums of money. Get other instalments of the Peninsular War series at https://www.patreon.com/thenapoleonicwarspod Twitter: @zwhitehistory | @SilViaGregorio_
Published 04/14/23
To mark international women's day, Rachael Stark returns with a fresh instalment of the Napoleonic Marshals series, looking exclusively at the lives of some of those who married into the Marshallate. Tales of anguish, loss, firery temperaments, and courage abound. Twitter: @zwhitehistory | @bookish_Rachael Unlock bonus content at https://www.patreon.com/thenapoleonicwarspod
Published 03/08/23
What makes caricatures from this period so great? Alice Loxton, author of Uproar: Satire, Scandal & Printmakers in Georgian London, drops by to talk about why these satirical cartoons are misunderstood, and offer us such brilliant insights into how Georgian society worked. Social Media: @zwhitehistory | @history_Alice Buy the book:...
Published 02/26/23
A bar brawl of an episode ensues as, in what is only the first half of two instalments, Luke Reynolds, Alexander Mikaberidze, Jacqueline Reiter and Josh Provan thrash out the arguments in favour of some famous contenders, and unexpected wildcards. Twitter: @zwhitehistory | @lureynol | @AMikaberidze | @latelordchatham | @LandOfHistory Get hours of bonus episodes at www.patreon.com/thenapoleonicwarspod
Published 01/29/23
What was the lasting impact of the War of 1812? Don Hickey, Luke Reynolds and Alexander Mikaberidze join me to discuss the significant legacy of this forgotten conflict. Twitter: @zwhitehistory | @lureynol | @AMikaberidze Get bonus episodes at: https://www.patreon.com/thenapoleonicwarspod
Published 12/31/22
Nick Kaizer joins me to talk about the Royal Navy's policy of impressment, how it escalated tensions prior to the War of 1812, and the wider social impact of the Britain's effective conscription. Twitter: @zwhitehistory | @kaizer_nick Catch Nick's episode on the Naval War of 1812 here Buy Nick's book here
Published 12/30/22
Merry Christmas all! For this year's festive special Beatrice de Graaf, Rachael Stark and Josh Provan all drop by as we go full 'A Christmas Carol' on Napoleon's life, exploring the good, the bad, the ugly, the inspired and the misunderstood about the man's life, legacy and character. No turkey was thrown in the making of this program! Twitter: @zwhitehistory | @landofhistory | @beatricedegraaf | @Bookish_Rachael  Support the show: https://www.patreon.com/thenapoleonicwarspod Beatrice's...
Published 12/25/22
Séverine Angers joins me to talk about women's experiences in the War of 1812, from the unusual way of life these women had compared to their UK-based relatives, to female spies, and mourning the dead. Twitter: @zwhitehistory Support: https://www.patreon.com/thenapoleonicwarspod
Published 12/23/22
Thomas Malcomson joins me to talk through the challenges of maintaining law and order in the wooden worlds of Royal naval vessels, and what his unique case study of the ships involved in the War of 1812 reveals about how effectively captains managed to keep control of their men, despite challenges of impressment, and supply shortages. Unlock bonus content at https://www.patreon.com/thenapoleonicwarspod Twitter: @zwhitehistory Buy the book: Order and Disorder in the British Navy, 1793-1815...
Published 12/16/22
Tom Fournier, Nick Kaizer, Geraint Thatcher and Josh Provan join me for a spirited discussion on which battle of the War of 1812 had the greatest impact. Access exclusive bonus episodes https://www.patreon.com/thenapoleonicwarspod Twitter: @zwhitehistory | @tom4141tom | @kaizer_nick | @ThatchGer1 | @LandofHistory  The naval war of 1812: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/32CFFad3xvb
Published 12/07/22
Tim Lockley joins me to unpick the story of Britain's 'slave regiments', and explain the important role that they played in the War of 1812. Enjoy bonus episodes from £1 a month at https://www.patreon.com/thenapoleonicwarspod Twitter: @zwhitehistory | @TimLockley
Published 11/30/22
I unveil what the future of the show is going to look like, how you can invest in exciting new content, and join a Napoleonic fan community. Support from £1 a month at https://www.patreon.com/thenapoleonicwarspod Twitter: @zwhitehistory
Published 11/26/22
Josh Provan joins me to talk about the Native Americans during the War of 1812, and the impact that the conflict had on their future in a growing USA. Part of 'War of 1812 Month' Support: https://www.patreon.com/thenapoleonicist  Twitter: @zwhitehistory | @LandOfHistory
Published 11/13/22
Chinese history is always fascinating. The Napoleonic era was no exception. Josh Provan opens our eyes to what was going on in China before, during and after the Napoleonic era, how the nation was on the cusp of sliding into anarchy, and why the British were busy being awful. Twitter: @zwhitehistory | @LandofHistory Support the show at: https://www.patreon.com/thenapoleonicist
Published 10/16/22
In episode 150, Beatrice de Graaf joins me to discuss how Napoleon's police state operated, how unique it really was, and why terror lay at the heart of state control during this period. Twitter: @zwhitehistory | @beatricedegraaf Book to attend Beatrice's Wellington Lecture https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/33rd-wellington-lecture-tickets-417813309857 Support the show at: https://www.patreon.com/thenapoleonicist
Published 10/09/22
The Marshal that everyone loves to hate is the focus of the latest monthly marshal instalment, as Rachael Stark returns to talk about the life, tempestuous character, and controversies of Marshal Bernadotte, King of Sweden. Twitter: @zwhitehistory | @Bookish_Rachael Support the show: https://www.patreon.com/thenapoleonicist 
Published 10/02/22
Graeme Callister joins me to talk about how you unpick popular opinion in not one, but three countries, during the Napoleonic era, and what this tells us about how the British, French and Dutch thought about themselves in the period. Twitter: @zwhitehistory | @GraemeCallister Support the show: The Napoleonicist is creating exciting episodes on the Napoleonic Wars | Patreon
Published 09/29/22
Alexander Mikaberidze joins me to talk about the man behind the myth, who forms the focus of his new book Kutuzov: A Life in War and Peace. Buy the book: Kutuzov - Alexander Mikaberidze - Oxford University Press (oup.com) Twitter: @zwhitehistory | @AMikaberidze Support the show: The Napoleonicist is creating exciting episodes on the Napoleonic Wars | Patreon
Published 09/25/22
The Napoleonicist returns with a tough, but important exploration of how the British Army tackled cases of sexual assault, and exploring why they bucked the conventions by trying homosexuality in military courts. Join the Napoleonic & Revolutionary War Graves Charity: www.nrwgc.com You can support this content & get exclusive perks at: www.patreon.com/thenapoleonicist  Tips also appreciated: www.ko-fi.com/napoleonicist
Published 09/18/22