Meet Michael Minard, a visionary action movie director renowned for his adrenaline-pumping films that leave audiences on the edge of their seats. With his unparalleled creativity, he has captured the hearts of a global audience. He is back with his latest offering," You Should Have Killed Me". Produced by Doug Myer, it takes viewers on a gripping journey through a world filled with twists, turns, and action sequences. A dynamic cast, I might add, has great synergy set against a captivating storyline, "You Should Have Killed Me" promises to be Michael's most thrilling and visually stunning film to date.
A five-part documentary series featuring actress Ashley Seal. Join actors Ashley Seal and special guest Rusty Joiner in the States and U.K. podcast host and owner of the Networking Magazine Sanj Saigal in "Chasing The Lymelight," a captivating five-part documentary series offering an intimate...
Published 10/30/24
Join actors Ashley Seal and special guest Rusty Joiner in the States and U.K. podcast host and owner of the Networking Magazine Sanj Saigal in "Chasing The Lymelight," a captivating five-part documentary series offering an intimate glimpse into the life of an actor as she navigates through the...
Published 10/25/24