Today, I’m chatting with Aleksandra who defines supportive potty training help. I know daycares can range in their support. I also know that sometimes you don’t have a choice in daycare and have to work with what you have, even if that’s not really supportive. I dream of a day when daycares are like the one Aleksandra works at. I have to tell you, I got teary eyed a few times during this interview… she has such a beautiful way of looking at this milestone.  Buy Oh Crap! Potty...
Published 06/14/23
Omg, there are so many products associated with potty training! But really… what do you actually need? Today, we’ll talk about the the items I believe you can not live without when potty training. And then talk about a few things you might want but aren’t necessary—and the absolute do not need things.  Buy Oh Crap! Potty Training Jamie's Homepage Jamie's Patreon Jamie's Instagram Bristol Stool Chart Jamie’s IG slides on Poop Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Published 05/31/23
Busting all the myths: wait till they’re ready boys are harder to train than girls put the potty chair out so they can get used to it.  Buy Oh Crap! Potty Training Jamie's Homepage Jamie's Patreon Jamie's Instagram Bristol Stool Chart Jamie’s IG slides on Poop Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Published 05/17/23
Erica is the founder of Confident Parenting. She’s not only a sleep expert but also a certified Oh Crap Potty Training Consultant. Today, we’re going to discuss the importance of sleep in general but also how vital it is during the potty training process. Erica’s website: www.beaconfidentparent.com Buy Oh Crap! Potty Training Jamie's Homepage Jamie's Patreon Jamie's Instagram Bristol Stool Chart Jamie’s IG slides on Poop Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Published 05/03/23
What I love most about this interview with Jenna is how much she learned and leaned into her motherly intuition. We cover a lot of the issues that can go sideways while potty training and how to handle them.  Buy Oh Crap! Potty Training Jamie's Homepage Jamie's Patreon Jamie's Instagram Bristol Stool Chart Jamie’s IG slides on Poop Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Published 04/19/23
Q and A months of naked potty training 21 mos old, getting back to “real life” deep sleepers the very real pitfalls of child led Buy Oh Crap! Potty Training Jamie's Homepage Jamie's Patreon Jamie's Instagram Bristol Stool Chart Jamie’s IG slides on Poop Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Published 04/12/23
Getting your child off a bedtime bottle is crucial at this age. I’ll let you in on my fool proof way to do this. We’ll also talk about consistent, longer term accidents (well after beginning potty training) and lastly: the kid who sits willingly, can’t produce pee, then stands and pees on the floor.  Buy Oh Crap! Potty Training Jamie's Homepage Jamie's Patreon Jamie's Instagram Bristol Stool Chart Jamie’s IG slides on Poop Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Published 04/05/23
Today I’m interviewing the fabulous Lynette. She’s a force of nature and a routine junkie. We’ll be going through some real time struggles with night training.  Buy Oh Crap! Potty Training Jamie's Homepage Jamie's Patreon Jamie's Instagram Bristol Stool Chart Jamie’s IG slides on Poop Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Published 03/29/23
Let’s go over the idea that some children will struggle with ANY given milestone and why that doesn’t mean “It’s not working”. Also, I’ll be answering more questions today, including: child stays dry if napping anywhere but crib, where he wets if you plan on doing night and nap at the same time having to do something that scares the child, while starting potty training Night/nap training when child hangs out in bed/crib for a while. Buy Oh Crap! Potty Training Jamie's Homepage Jamie's...
Published 03/22/23
Today, I’ll be answering some audience questions including: doing great with potty training but suddenly all other behaviors went downhill; is it connected? if you’ve had any other prior attempts at potty training; how to approach this time refusal to pee at dream pee time but wets the bed 10 minutes later requiring poop time in the morning or wait for the urge to hit child won’t get off the potty getting sick in the first days vs getting sick months into potty training Buy Oh Crap!...
Published 03/15/23
Once some kids learn that you’ll jump super high as soon as they yell PEE…they can start to abuse their new found power. Today, we’ll go over the most common scenarios in which a kid may using the pee call as tool other than actually toileting: at bedtime in the car in restaurants/at the dinner table Buy Oh Crap! Potty Training Jamie's Homepage Jamie's Patreon Jamie's Instagram Bristol Stool Chart Jamie’s IG slides on Poop Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Published 03/08/23
In today’s episode we’ll be talking about: why you don’t want to say, “It’s okay” when your child has an accident the massive doubt that comes with too much information what happens when we parent out of fear we are the teachers, we are the guides for our children Buy Oh Crap! Potty Training Jamie's Homepage Jamie's Patreon Jamie's Instagram Bristol Stool Chart Jamie’s IG slides on Poop Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Published 03/01/23
Today, I’m interviewing Laura. My favorite part of her story was how she overcame self-doubt about potty training her child too early. And even though society might have questioned her, she not only potty trained but also hit a high-pressure situation early on. Avoiding everyone else’s opinion is hard but doable.  Buy Oh Crap! Potty Training Jamie's Homepage Jamie's Patreon Jamie's Instagram Bristol Stool Chart Jamie’s IG slides on Poop Learn more about your ad choices. Visit...
Published 02/22/23
Today, I’ll be answering a few common questions: moving from Block 1 to 2 children with medical issues if you’re doing night and nap at the same time Plus a few extras peppered in there.  Buy Oh Crap! Potty Training Jamie's Homepage Jamie's Patreon Jamie's Instagram Bristol Stool Chart Jamie’s IG slides on Poop Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Published 02/15/23
Based on current client work, I think we need to revisit some finer points about sleeping situations. It really comes back to consistency. Our little ones need to know the boundaries to be their best selves.  Buy Oh Crap! Potty Training Jamie's Homepage Jamie's Patreon Jamie's Instagram Bristol Stool Chart Jamie’s IG slides on Poop Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Published 02/08/23
Today, I’m interviewing Erin and she has a great story about potty training her boys. She used social stories to help them learn and she was gracious enough to share what this actually looks like. Here’s a link to a google document showing an example of the little story book she made for her son: Whit's Potty Story Buy Oh Crap! Potty Training Jamie's Homepage Jamie's Patreon Jamie's Instagram Bristol Stool Chart Jamie's IG slides on Poop Learn more about your ad choices. Visit...
Published 02/01/23
Independence is the linchpin of potty training and most of us don’t even realize how capable our kids are. Today we’ll go through some ways to foster that independence which will help with potty training yes… but also your whole life. We’ll also touch on sippy cups and pouches. Spoiler alert: I’m not a fan. Buy Oh Crap! Potty Training Jamie's Homepage Jamie's Patreon Jamie's Instagram Bristol Stool Chart Jamie’s IG slides on Poop Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Published 01/25/23
Today we’ll be discussing: Enmeshment: what it means and how it can be hindering progress connection about all else when you’re stuck in a negative feedback loop questions about when to reset accidents only at home, nowhere else Buy Oh Crap! Potty Training Jamie's Homepage Jamie's Patreon Jamie's Instagram Bristol Stool Chart Jamie’s IG slides on Poop Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Published 01/18/23
Today, I’m interviewing Silvia about her potty training experience.  Buy Oh Crap! Potty Training Jamie's Homepage Jamie's Patreon Jamie's Instagram Bristol Stool Chart Jamie’s IG slides on Poop Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Published 01/11/23
Today we’ll be discussing: potential pelvic floor issues (peeing when laughing) is my pooping course okay for 5 year olds the kid who says they have to pee, doesn’t/won’t, then has an accident teaching boys to hold their penis down relentless repetition and consistency Buy Oh Crap! Potty Training Jamie's Homepage Jamie's Patreon Jamie's Instagram Bristol Stool Chart Jamie’s IG slides on Poop Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Published 01/04/23
Today, I'm interviewing Julianna about her potty training experience. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Published 12/28/22
Sometimes, for whatever reason, you need a potty training reset; a do-over. In this episode, I’ll lay out all the do’s and don’ts of an effective reset.  Buy Oh Crap! Potty Training Jamie's Homepage Jamie's Patreon Jamie's Instagram Bristol Stool Chart Jamie’s IG slides on Poop Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Published 12/21/22
Today, I'm interviewing Rachel about her potty training experience. Buy Oh Crap! Potty Training Jamie's Homepage Jamie's Patreon Jamie's Instagram Bristol Stool Chart Jamie’s IG slides on Poop Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Published 12/14/22
Yes. I’m aware many people use an M+M or piece of candy as a way to potty train. But what you never hear about is when this turns into a full disaster. It’s not worth the risk. Buy Oh Crap! Potty Training Jamie's Homepage Jamie's Patreon Jamie's Instagram Bristol Stool Chart Jamie’s IG slides on Poop Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Published 12/07/22
Let's talk night training. Buy Oh Crap! Potty Training Jamie's Homepage Jamie's Patreon Jamie's Instagram Bristol Stool Chart Jamie’s IG slides on Poop Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Published 11/30/22