How I Became Who I Am - Allan Kleynhans: EPISODE 2
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Hello and welcome to another episode of the Perception Podcast with me your host Caroline Partridge. In the second episode of my two-part special, coach and mentor Allan Kleynhans talks about the human revolution that occurred taking him from a life buried in drug addiction and destructive beliefs to knowing for the very first time in his life what he wanted to do with his life, and his journey to becoming a world-class coach helping others to dissolve the blocks that stop them from realising their fullest potential. Please join me as we look at life through a different lens. Please join me as we look at life through a different lens. KEY TAKEAWAYS Allan knows that anyone can change their life if they truly have the desire. He was at rock bottom but discovered he had all the tools he needed to change things. Coaching and personal development is real, it can change anyone’s life. Allan doesn’t care what anyone says about organised religion now, he doesn’t believe in it at all, it is a man-made construct that is built upon a foundation of power and control. Unity and faith are the true paths to religion and God. The current education system indoctrinates children to believe that they’re wrong. That institutions are always right and your creativity is wrong. If you are taught autonomy, power and creativity then you become a free thinker. To know what love is, you have to love yourself first. If you want to change the world you need to love yourself and your family and people. For any new technique to work for you, such as affirmations or meditation, you have to be consistent and open-minded. Einstein predicted that the average human being will only utilise 0.5% of their potential in their lifetime. The potential anyone can unlock is limitless. BEST MOMENTS ‘If I can change my life anybody can’ ‘A lot of people don’t understand or they don’t believe, their perception is that coaching or transformational work is just fluff but it’s not’ ‘I came to the conclusion that religion is a load of sh*t” ‘Religion is finding god in yourself, living in a space of peace and love for yourself, respecting yourself and respecting all of love, that’s spirituality’ ‘The [education] system was systemically created by powerful people, powerful people in business and the church do not want people to be self-empowered’ ‘We all have unlimited potential' ABOUT THE GUEST BIO Allan Kleynhans is a walking lexicon of human development and potential, having studied psychology, philosophy, the behavioural sciences and consciousness for 33 years and counting. His vast knowledge and expertise as a passionate and highly skilled facilitator on the subjects of human behaviour, communication, self-mastery, conscious leadership and spiritual psychology have helped many thousands of people to make significant personal and professional breakthroughs. He loves helping people transcend the limiting mental constructs of their human psyche to create lives of true fulfilment, outrageous success and authentic self-expression. Socials & Links:   ABOUT THE HOST Bio Caroline Partridge is a unique and creative individual. She is an actress, puppeteer, educator, and artist with funny bones. She loves a story and is an expert at conveying wit and wisdom with warmth, understanding, and empathy. CONTACT METHOD FACEBOOK - LinkedIn - Instagram - This show was brought to you by Progressive Media
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