024: The 4 Things You Need To Do After Your Interview
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Support PA Startup: Free 30-Day Audible Trial Say hi on Twitter: @PAStartupDOTco Q&A Questions: [email protected] Everyone’s focus is on the interview, right? That’s what you’re working for—good grades, CASPA application, letters of recommendation, and a great essay (need help with that? Check THIS out…). The day finally comes and you go to your interview…but once you’re done, what do you do next?? Here are 4 things you MUST do RIGHT after your interview: Write a thank-you—It seems contrived, almost brown-nosing. But know that it’s not done often, so when it is, it will make a statement. It might not influence anyone this year, but I guarantee it will help you stick out in their minds (as well as open the door for a possible “exit” interview if you don’t get in) for the next time around. Make a list of every question/timeline–What did they ask? How many people did you meet with? Who was there? What was the order of events? You’d be amazed at how those small details will evaporate from your memory days after the interview. If you can keep track of the small details, if you need to do things next time around it will help ease the pressure. Keep track of essay question choices, interview questions, etc. Make a plan if you don't get in–Statistically, you might not get in…which is OK! First of all, don’t panic or be mad for too long. No one likes rejection, but it’s a real part of real life. So don’t dwell on it too long. Check out Episode 23 for more info about this, but don’t worry! Lots of great PAs didn’t get in the first or second tries! In addition to this list, I’d add to your plan to have an exit interview with the schools. Episode 18 (Insights from a Program Director) talked about the exit interview and its importance—if they can tell you to do 1, 2, 3 things and you do them, how can they deny you in the future? Also, take a good objective look at your application; can you improve any grades? Write a stronger essay? Get more shadow/patient contact hours? Plan on work needs to save up, taking the opportunity to check something off your bucket list, travel, self-evaluate…but don’t forget to get back to the grind of improving your application. REMEMBER, it’s not the end of the world, and the more realistic you are at this point with this plan, the better off you’ll be if you don’t get in—you’ve planned for it! Make a plan if you do get in–Will you need to quit your job? If so, how much notice. What about living expenses, etc.? How will you pay for school? Loans, grants, etc…chances are you met with financial aid during your interview, so do some research to how you’ll not only cover tuition but also living expenses, food clothes, dining out, rent, all that good stuff along with books and such. For each program (if more than one), plans to move, find housing, relocate all need to be well thought out. Be realistic here too–the more you plan now the better off you’ll be when you get the good news. In all, REMEMBER it’s not the end of the world if you don’t get in. You can try again and if you spend an extra year on this end of things preparing, you’ll never even notice it down the road in practice. Listen to Episode 18 if you haven’t already—Insights From A Program Director, as well as Episode 23-What Do I Do If I Don’t Get In…both have great info for the application process.
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Published 07/30/24
Published 07/01/24