012: Fundamentals: Negotiating
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Free 30-day trial with free book: http://www.pastartup.co/audible Negotiating sounds like it’s only for contracts or getting a job, but you’ll find you will have to negotiate in every aspect of your career: getting your job, finding common ground with patients, managing teams or even being managed, outside administrators, work life balance, the list goes on and on. Negotiating tips from Chris Voss, Never Split the Difference: Everyone is someone, and we all want to be respected. Remember you’re dealing with a person who wants to be appreciated or understood—label issues appropriately When asking for something, “no” doesn’t mean rejection. It means: I’m not yet ready to agree, I don’t understand, I don’t think I can afford it, I want something else, I need to check with someone else…Follow up with “what about this doesn’t work for you” Create unconditional positive regard—people want to live in a socially constructive behavior. For Salary: Let them go first, usually—offer first salary, first offer for something else—gives you a range of where they’re coming from (or want to end up) This can backfire, they might say a really low number which makes your “highest” offer lower than you wanted to accept. Establish a range early if you need to, called “anchor and adjustment”. Allude to your desired amount: top performers are making XXX They’ll hear the higher number which will likely influence their counter offer, many times to the extreme peak of their range. Switch to non-monetary terms if you stall out Additional half day off, more CME days, late start day, etc. o Be pleasantly persistent on nonsalary terms—the more you talk about nonsalary terms, the more likely you are to hear the full range of their options. Salary terms need success terms with them Adjustments need specific criteria to tie to, specific job tasks, number of patients, skills, etc. Ask: What defines success here? Then mirror back what they say (if possible)—you can show how you’ll achieve their criteria Page 103: Effective pauses, minimal encouragers, Mirroring, labeling, paraphrasing, summarizing Time Stamps! 4:36: Everyone is someone 5:32: No doesn’t mean an outright rejection (including 6:48: the most important tip on this podcast!) 7:45: Create unconditional positivity 9:15: Don’t suggest salary first, usually 12:53: Where to go if you get stalled out 13:35: Nonsalary terms 14:25: Annual reviews 16:48: What defines success?
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Published 07/30/24
Published 07/01/24