Michael (Kaiju Weekly, The Kaiju Groupie Podcast) and Nathan (The Monster Island Film Vault, Henshin Men, Power Rangers: The Audio Drama) have spent a year analyzing the nearly 1,000 episodes and three movies in the Power Rangers franchise. Michael is content to finish, but Nathan wants a season 2—and so does the great Ninjor, er, Ninjaman! He tells the “Power Nerds” what they can do to tide themselves over until the anniversary. Listen to find out!
Published 01/10/23
Merry Christmas, Listeners with Attitude! In true Power Rangers fashion, The Power Trip’s first season “ends” with a holiday special! Nathan and Michael harken back to Mighty Morphin’ season two to discuss a VHS episode that originally went out to members of the Power Rangers Fan Club: “Alpha’s Magical Christmas.” Oh boy, this (thankfully) non-canonical special is so saccharine, it’s guaranteed to give you diabetes. And it’s nothing like the show. What’s funny is your intrepid hosts...
Published 12/20/22
And so Michael and Nathan come to their journey’s end…for now. After one year, 995 TV episodes, and three movies, your intrepid hosts have much to say about the Power Rangers franchise. They begin with some personal reflections on this long endeavor followed by having some fun picking their Ranger “dream teams” (and yes, they both felt obligated to include Tommy Oliver). The main event of the episode, though, is when they put every series and film into a Tiermaker tier list. There was gushing...
Published 12/17/22
Looking for an independent R-rated horror-comedy tokusatsu series about a metal band fighting the men in black? If that outrageously unique premise strikes your fancy, Amano Recon is for you! Nathan sits down with Andrew Bush, the director of this upcoming series, and discusses the characters and many influences that went into this crowdfunded project—including Kamen Rider Black, Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers, and The X-Files. There’s even a possibility that a pair of Power Ranger alumni...
Published 12/15/22
Nathan and Michael reach end of the third era of Power Rangers and the beginning of the current one. So, since the Hasbro Era only has two series (currently) to it, they’ve combined it with the previous one and calling it “Neo-Saban and Beyond.” This isn’t the shortest era, but it does have the fewest entries for them to discuss (six series and a movie). Strangely, your intrepid hosts disagreed most on what should be on the bottom of the list more than anything else. What did they rank as the...
Published 12/14/22
They did it! Michael and Nathan reached the “new hotness” in Ranger Nation! That being Power Rangers: Dino Fury, which, while a typical PR series in many ways, broke new ground in others. It reintroduces Michael’s favorite PR villain, Lord Zedd (who has no time for glitter) and features the first LGBT Ranger in a mainline PR series with Izzy Garcia. But much to Michael’s chagrin, the conversation is derailed for a while by everyone’s favorite snarky bonehead, Rito Revolto, who punches out...
Published 12/14/22
On November 28, 2022, a multitude of podcasters and YouTubers—Nathan Marchand, Michael Hamilton, Travis Alexander, Jack “GMan” Hudgens (The Drift Space), J.R. Villers (The Drift Space), Rebecca Hudgens (The Drift Space), Kaiju Kim, Chris Cooke, and Jimmy from Zeo 2 Hero—came together to celebrate the life and work of Jason David Frank. From acting to martial arts to teaching to motivational speaking, he did it all. But he’ll always be remembered as Tommy Oliver, the most popular Power Ranger....
Published 12/01/22
The Hasbro Era begins! Michael and Nathan definitely don’t miss the previous season or They-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named. While your intrepid hosts knew some of the spoilers going into Power Rangers: Beast Morphers, it didn’t ruin their enjoyment. Heck, this series did in five episodes what all 40+ episodes of Megaforce couldn’t do! While Nate does threaten to “whip Rito out early,” he and Michael spend most of their longest episode ever (4.5 hours!!!) praising a series that surprised them with its...
Published 11/27/22
The Neo-Saban Era comes to an end—and what a whimper it is! Nathan and Michael tackle Power Rangers Ninja Steel, whose greatest sin could’ve been being painfully mediocre—but then those two Nickelodeon-mandated characters had to ruin everything! So, for the first time ever, “Rantmaster” and “Blue Streak Ranger” join forces! Otherwise, your hosts spend this four-hour cluster of a recording (those two characters even broke their internet reception) discussing the few highlights in this show,...
Published 11/15/22
Where’s the Ninja Steel episode? That recording was a cluster, so Michael needs a little more time to edit it. In meantime, we’re sharing an abridged version of an episode of one of Nathan’s other podcasts, The Monster Island Film Vault. In this, Michael, who is a Patron of MIFV, sponsored an episode that spotlights the classic MMPR five-parter, “Green with Evil.”
Published 11/08/22
Happy Halloween, Listeners with Attitude! To celebrate the spookiest time of year, Michael and Nathan harken back to season one of Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers to discuss a pair of Halloween-themed episodes. (It was a welcome break from Ninja Steel and They Who Shall Not Be Named Until the Ninja Steel Episode). Frankenstein and Pumpkin Rapper are a pair of truly monstrous foes for the OG Power Rangers. You won’t believe who donned the Frankie suit in the Saban footage, and if you ever...
Published 10/31/22
Nathan’s been waiting for this episode for a long time. He even popped popcorn for the occasion. But he doesn’t get what he wanted—he got something better! Michael changed his mind about the Power Rangers (2017) movie! They’re joined by writer, critic, and co-host of The Drift Space podcast Jack “GMan” Hudgens to discuss the most divisive and, arguably, most underrated piece of Power Rangers media. For all its faults with its aesthetics, it gets the heart of the franchise right. It was made...
Published 10/25/22
Michael and Nathan reach the apex of the Neo Saban Era: Power Rangers Dino Charge. They bring along their friend Alex Cornett of the Monsters vs. Men podcast to discuss a series that was hyped by one of their listeners for months. Does it live up to that hype? Short answer: yes. And not just because your hosts are coming out of 80+ episodes of crap with Samurai and Megaforce. The characters are fun, the acting is good, and the stories are “old school.” That ending, though…Nathan fought hard...
Published 10/18/22
Surprise, Listeners with Attitude! Thanks to one of you (and Words with Friends), we were able to sit down with the man who composed your childhood: Ron Wasserman. He’s a rock star in every way (except the sex and drugs, he says), who’s composed music for TV, film, commercials, and his band Fisher. We talk about his musical influences (Black Sabbath, no surprise), how he got the gig at Saban Entertainment, and how he composed the iconic “Go, Go, Power Rangers.” He even gives some advice to...
Published 10/11/22
This episode was recorded as part of a crossover between us, and the Giant Sized Violence podcast where we discussed the fan film from 2015, Power Rangers Unauthorized. Thank you to Tomi, the host of GSV, for having us on and facilitating such a good discussion. Links to where you can follow and subscribe to Giant Sized Violence are found below. -----------------------------------------------Follow GSV on Twitter: https://twitter.com/UltraMegaCastSubscribe to GSV on Apple Podcasts:...
Published 10/05/22
Longest…episode…yet! On the…worst…PR series…ever! We’re as surprised you are. Strap in, Listeners with Attitude, because just when Nathan and Michael thought it couldn’t get worse than Turbo and Operation Overdrive, the Neo-Saban era breaks their brains. Mitch from the “Entertain This!” podcast joins them to discuss the emptiest Power Ranger season they’ve ever seen. Seriously, all but one of the characters is prettier than they are talented; the villains are lame; and the so-called...
Published 10/02/22
There may be “no time for glitter”, but there is time for our first impressions of Power Rangers Dino Fury Season 2 Part 2! After binge-watching all 11 episodes of the last quarter of Dino Fury, Nate and Michael need another cigarette! with high production value and likable characters, and the return of a classic villain in Lord Zedd, they guys really enjoyed their time with this stretch of episodes. Was it perfect? No, but it was a lot of fun and worth the wait.
Stay tuned for our full...
Published 09/30/22
On this very special bonus episode of The Power Trip, we had the privilege of sitting down with the writer, story editor, and co-producer of the Power Rangers franchise from 1995-2008, the lovely Jackie Marchand. In a fantastic conversation, you'll learn some behind-the-scenes details from her time on Power Rangers, as well as hear her answer questions like what was her favorite season? What were some of the biggest challenges working on Rangers, and more!
A special thank you to Miss...
Published 09/20/22
To kick off the Neo-Saban and Hasbro Eras, Michael and Nathan bring on Jimmy and Billy of the Zeo 2 Hero podcast—which leads to some sibling squabbles between the guests! Why? Because Billy requested to guest host for Power Rangers Samurai. This series infamously adapted its Sentai counterpart, Shinkenger, exactly, going so far as to have a Caucasian red ranger with a Japanese last name. Then they set it in the most western-looking “Japanese” city ever. Talk about awkward! Nathan loses his...
Published 09/16/22
Welcome, kaiju lovers, heroes of the internet, and listeners with attitude! This past weekend, Nathan and his Power Trip co-host, Michael Hamilton, met each other in real life for the first time (and the world somehow didn’t explode). They attended a small upstart “spin-off” convention called Days of the Dead: All Monsters Attack, which was held in Indianapolis. This bonus episode is a late-night postmortem chat they had afterward, and it’s being shared on the feeds for Monster Island Film...
Published 09/12/22
We’ve come to the end of another era, and now it’s time to rank it! Michael and Nathan discuss the many peaks and valleys from when Disney owned Power Rangers as they compile their lists of those seasons from worst to best. It’s a bit less surprising than the Saban era ranking, but there is some disagreement. They also share some final thoughts from Kaiju Kim on Dino Thunder (because they forgot to do so on that episode) and briefly give their opinions on the silly and redundant Mighty...
Published 09/06/22
The Disney era ends with the biggest of bangs with one of the most popular series in the franchise: Power Rangers RPM. This is so huge, Michael and Nathan had to get in gear by inviting RPM super-fan Chris Cooke (One Cross Radio, Radio Arcade) to discuss it—and the episode is as long as the series!
Published 08/30/22
Nathan and Michael, having survived Operation Overdrive, come to the penultimate Disney era season: Power Rangers Jungle Fury. On the surface, it just looks like another animal-themed series, but they quickly learned it’s steeped in martial arts movie tropes. Think of it as the lovechild of Wild Force and Ninja Storm. The Rangers’ mentor/ purple Wolf Ranger, RJ, steals every scene he’s in with his quirky Mr. Miyagi wisdom. The villains are a huge highlight, having the most depth and...
Published 08/21/22
Believe it or not, Nathan issues the smallest of apologies to Power Rangers Turbo! And Michael snaps because there’s no nostalgia or a corset to save this series. Yes, the lowest of valleys for the Disney era, Power Rangers: Operation Overdrive. It has a solid premiere and a few good episodes. It showed what this season could’ve been but wasn’t, which makes it even more frustrating. Almost nothing in Overdrive works—especially a certain son of a certain pair of iconic Power Ranger villains....
Published 08/03/22
Podcastros temporarium maximus! Welcome to Power Rangers Hogwarts, er, Mystic Force. This PR season was made at the height of “Pottermania,” and given it was filmed in New Zealand, it must’ve been trying to catch some of that Lord of the Rings, well, magic. It’s unique in both the Power Ranger and Super Sentai franchises with its focus on high fantasy. It’s just too bad it’s mildly obsessed with its Red Ranger, Nick, who isn’t the most likable guy. It’s an uneven season, for sure. Also,...
Published 07/19/22