For this episode, I'm thrilled to introduce you to our two special guests, Bail and Liz. They met recently through my Professional Creative Business Coaching Program (PCBC), and their unique story of collaboration and co-launching caught my attention. Today, we'll dive into their individual journeys, their collaborative venture, and the impact it has had on their businesses and even their personal lives. Bail and Liz each have thriving businesses and sought out coaching through PCBC to...
Published 06/13/24
Welcome to a very special episode of The Professional Creative Podcast! Today, we are celebrating an incredible milestone: one million downloads! When I started this podcast back in 2022, I dreamed of reaching this point, but I wasn’t sure if or when it would happen. To my amazement, we’ve hit this milestone faster than I ever anticipated, and I couldn’t be more thrilled. I want to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you. Your unwavering support, your...
Published 06/11/24
What do I wish I had known when I first started? That’s a big question! This topic was sparked by a heartfelt chat with a coaching client from The Professional Creative Business Coaching Program. We started wondering: what advice would I give my younger self at the start of this adventure? Today, I'll be sharing four key pieces of advice I wish I had known back then. First off, it’s not going to be easy, but trust me, it will be worth it. I still get emotional thinking about those early...
Published 06/04/24
If you're tired of drowning in a sea of repetitive tasks and ready to work smarter, not harder, this episode is for you. We'll explore how automations can revolutionize your workflow, allowing you to work less while boosting productivity and efficiency. From handling monotonous tasks to streamlining team operations, automation is a game-changer, and today I’ll show you how to harness its power in your business. In my own journey, I've used automation tools like Searchie, ConvertKit, and...
Published 05/30/24
Hi, everyone. Today on The Professional Creative podcast, my husband, David, joins me to answer some questions about our marriage and relationship. We've been together for 21 years and just celebrated our 16th wedding anniversary. We received 16 questions from our followers on Instagram about marriage and relationships, and we're excited to answer them. From how we first met to tips for building a strong marriage, we discussed it all. We also talked about how we navigate our roles as our...
Published 05/23/24
Hey there, welcome back to another episode! Today, we're tackling a crucial topic that's often overlooked: delegating tasks clearly. You see, delegation isn't just about passing off tasks to your team or contractors—it's a skill that applies to every aspect of your life. Inspired by Brene Brown's insights in "Dare to Lead," we're asking the fundamental question: What does done look like? Think about it. How many times have you handed off a task in a frazzled state, only to be disappointed...
Published 05/14/24
Did you know that there are two types of customers? If you stop and think about it, you yourself have a specific way you like to make purchases and decisions! The same goes for your customers. This episode is all about understanding the difference between head buyers and heart buyers. You know, those folks who make purchasing decisions either based on logic and reason (that's our head buyers) or driven purely by emotion and gut feeling (yep, those are our heart buyers). So, why does this...
Published 05/09/24
Today, we're finding 15 minutes in your jam-packed day to keep the momentum going towards your dreams. It's a short but sweet thought that holds immense potential for progress. Let's face it, in the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it's easy to feel like we don't have a moment to spare. But here's the hard truth: we all have the same 24 hours, and finding 15 minutes (or 30! Or 60!) is not only possible but essential in propelling us towards our goals. So, in this bite-sized episode,...
Published 05/07/24
Fear is a universal experience that can hold us back from reaching our full potential, whether in our creative pursuits or entrepreneurial endeavors. But fear doesn't have to be a roadblock; it can be a stepping stone to growth and success. In this episode, we'll explore five powerful strategies for overcoming fear and embracing the journey towards your goals. Join me as we navigate through the murky waters of self-doubt and anxiety, uncovering practical tips and insights to help you push...
Published 05/02/24
Welcome to a quick dive into the world of sales pages – those magical gateways to converting curious visitors into loyal customers. In this short episode, we're zooming in on the power of sales pages and why they're a must-have tool in your business arsenal. So, what exactly is a sales page? It's more than just a webpage; it's your virtual storefront, your persuasive pitch, your digital handshake with potential buyers. I'm excited to share why I'm absolutely smitten with sales pages and why...
Published 04/30/24
We hear it all the time: “Build a business so that you have freedom.” You know, that elusive concept we're all chasing after as we build our businesses and craft our lives. But what does freedom really mean? And how do we go about designing a life that gives us the freedoms we want? Well, buckle up because we're about to explore it all in this episode. There are three types of freedom that most entrepreneurs crave: having the time to do what you love, the flexibility to work from anywhere,...
Published 04/25/24
Have you ever wondered if it's possible to maintain a thriving social media presence while exploring multiple interests and facets of your creative self? Well, you're not alone! In this short episode, we're tackling the question head-on: Is it possible to have a good social media account where you are focusing on more than one thing?  As creatives, we're constantly evolving and pivoting, and it's only natural that our social media presence reflects that. So let’s explore the concept of...
Published 04/23/24
One of the most confusing parts of being a creative is knowing how and when to protect your work. Today, we're going to walk you through the legal landscape of safeguarding your creations, covering the four different types of intellectual property: copyrights, trademarks, patents, and trade secrets. Now, you might be wondering, what exactly is intellectual property and how do these types differ? This episode is all about breaking it all down for you. From understanding the nuances of each...
Published 04/18/24
Hey there, listeners! Today, I have a quick Tuesday Tip for you about something that is both simple and profound: protecting your focus.  It's something we all grapple with – the constant battle to maintain concentration amidst a sea of distractions. From the allure of social media notifications to the temptation of instant gratification, our focus is constantly under siege.  In this episode, we'll explore the importance of owning your atmosphere and taking control of your environment to...
Published 04/16/24
Welcome to today's episode where we're diving deep into the world of nurture sequences, a vital component in any successful email marketing strategy. We'll explore what nurture sequences are, why they're crucial for your business, and how they can revolutionize your relationship with your email list. Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, understanding the power of nurture sequences is essential for long-term success. In this episode, we'll uncover the secrets behind...
Published 04/11/24
Welcome to a special episode where we delve into the world of memberships and subscription sites for business owners, with a particular focus on creatives like you. Today, I'm thrilled to introduce someone who has had a profound impact on my business journey—Stu McLaren. Back in 2019, I stumbled upon Stu's course, "The Membership Experience," expecting just another learning opportunity. Little did I know, it would completely revolutionize my approach to business. Stu's unparalleled...
Published 04/09/24
Welcome to a special behind-the-scenes episode where we lift the curtain on a project close to our hearts: the Immersion Box for our signature Immersion Course. Joining me today are some key members of our dedicated team: Nikita, Rebecca, Erin, and Ephia. Together, we'll take you on a journey through the creation and evolution of the Immersion Box, a cornerstone of our immersive learning experience. Every year, as part of our Immersion Course, we send a meticulously crafted box filled with...
Published 03/28/24
Welcome back to another game-changing episode where we're improving the way we show up in the world of social media. If you haven't tuned in to episode 127 yet, stop right here and give it a listen because we're about to take things to the next level using the revolutionary concept of the story star. Trust me, it's a game-changer! Today, we're all about fine-tuning your online game, exploring different aspects of showing up authentically and effectively in the digital space. Picture this:...
Published 03/26/24
So, you know how sometimes we hold back from social media because, well, it can feel a bit daunting, right? Whether it's fear of negative feedback, imposter syndrome creeping in, or just feeling self-conscious about putting ourselves out there, we've all been there.  But here's the thing – it's okay to show up imperfectly. In fact, authenticity is what truly resonates with people. In this episode, let’s chat about navigating those fears, deciding what to share (and what to keep to yourself),...
Published 03/21/24
Something you might not know about me is that I am a sleep enthusiast. In today’s episode, we're delving into the fascinating world of optimizing sleep – something near and dear to my heart. You see, I've always been a big advocate for catching those Z's, but recently, I've taken my passion for sleep to a whole new level. Instead of just aiming for quantity, I've shifted my focus to quality, and let me tell you, it's been a game-changer. In this episode, I'll be sharing my personal journey...
Published 03/19/24
If you have not yet created an email list, what are you waiting for? An email list is an incredible business asset. I think it is actually the most important thing you can do for your business and is the number one thing I wish I had started earlier. So today, we're starting off with the heart of email marketing and the powerful impact of email opt-ins on your business growth. If you're wondering how to effectively grow and nurture your email list, you're in the right place. So let's break...
Published 03/14/24
Welcome back to the third and final part of The Art of Business! I recently had the privilege of delivering a keynote presentation that really got me thinking. I reflected deeply on my journey over the past 12-13 years – the highs, the lows, and everything in between. Out of that reflection emerged the concept of the art of business, broken down into three insightful sections, which we are exploring together across this series. After Part 2 of this series, we are moving right along into...
Published 03/12/24
Here we go with Part 2 of The Art of Business podcast series! I recently had the privilege of delivering a keynote presentation that really got me thinking. I reflected deeply on my journey over the past 12-13 years – the highs, the lows, and everything in between. Out of that reflection emerged the concept of the art of business, broken down into three insightful sections, which we'll be exploring together across this series. Today’s episode starts with Bonnie 3.0 - The New Mom. This phase...
Published 03/07/24
Welcome back to The Professional Creative Podcast! Today’s episode is something special. We're kicking off an exciting three-part series called "The Art of Business". I recently had the privilege of delivering a keynote presentation that really got me thinking. I reflected deeply on my journey over the past 12-13 years – the highs, the lows, and everything in between. Out of that reflection emerged the concept of the art of business, broken down into three insightful sections, which we'll be...
Published 03/05/24
In this episode of The Professional Creative Podcast, we're visiting the phenomenon of New Year's goals and the energy that comes with them. Lisa Jacobs is a New Year fanatic and she leads the charge as we check in on our 2024 goals. It's only a few weeks into January, but now is the perfect time to reflect on our behavior and assess if we're on track to achieve what we set out to do this year. The new year brings with it a sense of clean slate energy—a chance to start over and embrace the...
Published 02/20/24