In this episode, Michael provides insights into his thinking around how to plan for withdrawals in early retirement.  He discusses the challenge of working out whether to pay down current mortgages on investment properties, or continue to buy new properties.He also provides a work update as he looks to scale back him working hours in 2023.Show NotesThe Die with Zero Calculator:https://www.moneyflamingo.com/how-to-die-with-zero/Case study on Michael on the Money Flamingo...
Published 03/10/23
In this episode, Michael asks the question, is the traditional FIRE movement dead?  With so many great FIRE alternatives available now, he considers if the traditional route of work hard and retire is no longer applicable, especially in a post COVID world, where so many other income alternatives are available.Show Notes:Read the Money Flamingo Blog Article on the real definition of early retirement:https://www.moneyflamingo.com/what-does-fire-really-stand-for/Follow my monthly updates &...
Published 02/24/23
In this episode Michael talks with Anders Skagerberg, AKA The Coast FI Guy.  Coast FI is the concept of building a smallish portfolio and let it compound in the background, while you work part-time and wait until your portfolio grows enough large enough to fully retire.Quotes from the episode:"I don't have to do work that I hate for the rest of my life.""I think some of the most important work I have to do in my life, is to spend time with my kids and be a good Dad.""Coast FI just means that...
Published 02/10/23
In this episode, Michael shares his reasons why he has been buying rental properties.  He explains that while landlords are currently leaving the property market, he is buying and his reasons for doing so.  Quotes from the episode:"I think landlords are forgetting that a tenant is paying down a mortgage.  Landlords fail to release the difference between cashflow and profit.""I remember looking at property back in 2013 when property prices were half of what they were today... there were still...
Published 01/27/23
In this episode, Michael discusses the great myth or lie about the FIRE movement, the notion of early retirement.  He mentions that most people that achieve FIRE don't actually retire in the traditional sense and continue bringing in some form of income.While they might retire from the traditional corporate world, chances are income will still come in one way or another, so we should plan for this when looking at our own early retirement planning.Show NotesLiving a...
Published 01/13/23
In this episode, Michael talks with Jesse Borst from Money Principles.  Jesse is a professional investor and has his own Youtube Channel, where he shares tips on financial freedom, personal finance and covers topics such as generational wealth.In this interview, Jesse talks about investing in 2022/23, the importance of building an investing strategy and offers great advice on how to think like a professional investor.Show Notes:Jesse's Youtube...
Published 12/30/22
In this episode, Michael discusses how he goes about buying investment property in Ireland.  He lists the requirements from the banks, to working with auctioneers, to the in's and out's of putting a property deal together in Ireland.He highlights the 9 steps he takes when it comes to working through a property deal and shares his experience of buying property in Ireland.To sign up for the newsletter visit:https://www.firepodcast.ie/newsletter
Published 12/16/22
In this episode, Michael has a conversational style catch up with Alva Damon, who last appeared on the podcast back in early March 2020.  We talk everything FIRE from: - FIRE strategies- Investing strategies- Property VS Index Funds- FIRE alternatives- Travel Hacking & Travel Tips- Enjoying the FIRE journey & more. Show Notes: Flight Deals: www.kiwi.com Apply for a European Health Card: https://www2.hse.ie/services/schemes-allowances/ehic/apply/ Subscribe to the newsletter...
Published 12/02/22
In this episode, Michael reflects on his FIRE journey over the last 5 years and lists the top 10 regrets that he has had to date. From Peer to Peer Lending, too much money in his pension, Forex Trading, Passive Income, Scalable Businesses, having to many companies and more! Show Notes Check out the Co-Op I Co-Founded:https://www.andulra.ieCompany Strike of Services for €200 or so:https://www.closedforbusiness.ie/strike-off-services Subscribe to the...
Published 11/18/22
In this episode, Michael gives an update on his overall FIRE progress and explains why semi-retirement will likely be the best path for his FIRE journey. Michael has spent the last 12 months increasing his savings rate considerably and with that, he has been focusing on FIRE shortcuts.  However, in 2022 with high inflation, it has made it more and more difficult when it comes to planning for early retirement. Michael explains why semi-retirement could be the best path for most, especially as...
Published 11/05/22
In this episode, Michael describes daily working life for him.  He briefly described what has happened to him work life over the last 12 months or so and explains how he handles getting through the daily grind.  He discusses how he views work and how he comes up with early exit strategies in the event that he decides that the daily grid isn't worth it. Show Notes Follow the Newsletter at: https://www.firepodcast.ie/newsletter
Published 09/21/22
In this episode, Michael shares a list of 12 ideas to help reduce expenses. With inflation running at 40 year highs, reducing expenses can be a great way to tackle the impact on inflation. Be sure to subscribe to the Monthly Newsletter to keep up with Michael's latest portfolio updates: https://www.firepodcast.ie/newsletter Show Notes Article on  upgrading to a more economic car: https://www.firepodcast.ie/march-2022-portfolio-update Article on Solar Panel...
Published 08/26/22
In this episode, Michael shares his story of buying an investment property in 2022. He shares his high's and low's of activity looking for an investment property in Limerick - and explains what has changed in 2022 when buying a property. Show Notes Join The Irish FIRE Newsletter by visiting: https://www.firepodcast.ie/newsletter
Published 06/10/22
In this episode, Michael talks to the author of the Money Flamingo Blog.  Tina is originally from Europe and is now living in Australia.  She become "Flamingo FI" in 2020 and has been living a semi retired lifestyle since then. Tina tells her own story, and shares her wisdom of why she adopted Flamingo FI.  As she mentions, "the real goal is the happiness that you can achieve along the path [to FI]". Show Notes: Check out Tina's blog at (and join her...
Published 04/23/22
In this episode, Michael takes a moment to reflect on the Ukraine War.  He mentions that it is hard to discuss personal finance when there is a war going on in Europe.  He talks about luck and the impact that that has on one's FIRE journey. He mentions that it has become difficult to try to forecast investment returns over the next number of years and this makes planning for early retirement nearly impossible.  He touches on interest rates and the impact this will have on housing, as well as...
Published 03/22/22
In this episode Michael discusses the tree phases for FI.  Michael shares how he is currently at a full throttle FIRE stage, where he is looking to maximise his income potential.
Published 02/14/22
The Irish FIRE Podcast is back!  Michael gives a very quick update on the plans for the podcast in 2022, as well as a very quick update on how his own journey is progressing overall since recording the previous episode back in mid 2021.
Published 02/07/22
In the final episode of the podcast, Michael gives his final thoughts on achieving FI in Ireland. He explains that given the structure of Irish tax system, we are forced to take a longer term approach to FI and realistically early retirement in Ireland is more likely to take place when one is in their 50's. Quotes from the episode: "The FIRE movement has been a great thing to get me thinking about my retirement, however I think there is a fine line between education and obsession." "The...
Published 07/28/21
In this special two year anniversary episode, Michael interviews Andrew Driver.  Andrew has been investing for a number of years and is well on his way to FI. In the interview, we talk about Investment Trusts, which are a great way to get around the horrid Deemed Disposal tax that exists in Ireland.  Invest Trusts are taxed at 33% and dividends are taxed at your Income Tax Rate - so they are a tax efficient way to invest in Ireland. Disclaimer: This interview is not financial advise -...
Published 06/05/21
In this episode, Michael discusses The Barista FIRE Approach - the concept of building a small portfolio and letting compounding grow the portfolio while not withdrawing from the portfolio until when you retire. Barista FIRE is a great approach to FIRE in Ireland, as its an extremely tax efficient way to approach early retirement, and still allows for an early retirement age of 55. Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch with regular monthly updates:https://www.firepodcast.ie/members
Published 05/25/21
In this episode, Michael discusses the options around what he invests in 2021 and provides an update on how his investments has changed over the last 3 years. He answers questions such as: - Do I still invest in Peer to Peer Lending?- What is the best way to save for my children's college fund?- What is the most tax efficient way to invest as a sole trader?- Why do I say that Cryptocurrency looks like a better investment than ETFs in Ireland?To keep up to date with Michael's journey,...
Published 04/16/21
In this episode, Michael answers a question from Sinead, who has recently sold up her property in Ireland and has moved to the Canaries. Michael works through the numbers, to see if it is possible for Sinead to be financially independent within 5 years. To keep up to date with Michael's journey, subscribe to the monthly newsletter at:https://www.firepodcast.ie/members
Published 03/24/21
In this episode, Michael answers a question from Sinead, who has recently sold up her property in Ireland and has moved to the Canaries. Michael works through the numbers, to see if it is possible for Sinead to be financially independent within 5 years. To keep up to date with Michael's journey, subscribe to the monthly newsletter at:https://www.firepodcast.ie/members
Published 03/24/21
In this episode, Michael interviews Sean and Sinead from The Irish Savers Action Group (ISAG) Interview.  They are on a mission to promote financial literacy and to push positive progressive changes in the Irish investment tax rates.You can learn more about ISAG at the following places:https://isag.iehttps://www.facebook.com/groups/255087048882194Join The Irish FIRE Monthly Newsletter at:https://www.firepodcast.ie/members
Published 02/20/21
In this episode, Michael explores an alternative way to becoming financially independent - by building passive income streams.Michael defines passive income as any income that isn't generated directly to your time (e.g. selling your time for money).Michael compares some recent passive income that he has started to generate for himself against a traditional FIRE portfolio, to show how passive income can play a vital part towards your FI journey.Show Notes:Things mentioned on the show:Wholesale...
Published 01/28/21