Overcoming People Pleasing Habits
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Do you put lots of energy in trying to make another person happy? Do you feel like you can’t say no when someone needs your help? When others are in a bad mood does it impact you? If you answered yes to any of these questions you may struggle with people pleasing.  Realize you have a choice; you can say no if that’s your decisionCreate boundaries and set your priorities Never feel bad for self-careStrengthen your self-image“Codependency keeps you fixated on another person. You are more consumed with this other person being the center of your world that you have no room to focus on creating the abundant life you are destined to live.  The drama, toxic behavior and emotional pain of a codependent relationship clouds your foresight and occupies your mind. This blocks your vision, energy and focus while making it feel impossible to even pursue your dream and accomplish your goals.” Sis, Be Nicer to Yourself   Want to connect with us? Reach out to us online! Pre-order new book! https://sisbenicertoyourself.com Email: [email protected] Instagram: @rainiehoward Facebook: @rainie.howard YouTube: @rainiehoward Website: https://www.rainiehoward.com Store: https://www.realloveexist.com Speaking/Coaching: https://www.coachingwithrainie.com