Day 3 - Countdown to Christmas Alternative Advent Calendar - Childlike joy.
On Day 3 Deb asks how childish are you? and when was the last time you allowed yourself to be childish? You have permission to play!
Christmas is often a source of stress and anxiety for many people. Couples often bicker over where they're going to spend Christmas, whether the in-laws should come for lunch, what to buy the children, what is the limit on present buying for the wider family, what time to eat, what to eat, when to put the tree and decorations up, how much money to spend.
You name it, it can feel as if everything about Christmas is sent to test the most resilient of couples.
And if you're single it feels as if there's an intangible pressure to find 'the one' in time for the big day and that somehow, if you haven't met 'the one' then there's something wrong with you.
It feels as if you're surrounded by happy, loved-up couples in all directions and you end up feeling worse about yourself.
I'm here to tell you that it doesn't have to be that way.
This Countdown to Christmas is my alternative advent calendar.
I'll be sharing with you hint, tips, anecdotes and suggestions to make you think, ponder, reflect and implement in the run up to Christmas to help you to create a stronger, healthier and more robust relationship with your partner, your family and yourself.
Join me each day for my alternative advent.
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