December is the season of giving. Most parishes have Advent giving trees or other projects designed to help those in need. In this episode we will share some core lessons we have learned in making the most out of this season of giving.
Published 12/01/19
We continue our conversation about raising the money we need to fund our mission. A successful stewardship weekend is essential to the financial health of your parish. In this session we will look at 8 keys to success that we have discovered over the years of trial and error.
Published 11/01/19
While we don’t always like to talk about it, money is a discipleship issue and needed for us to fund our parishes. In this podcast, we discuss our attitudes towards money and the newly released Churchmoney book.
Published 10/01/19
Conferences are a crucial way in which we can be inspired, encouraged and equipped to grow our parishes. In this podcast we talk about the value of conferences, how to get the most out of them and share details about the Rebuilt 2020 conference.
Published 09/11/19
This episode wraps up our series on creating a clear discipleship path. We look at the step of sharing your faith. We grow as Christ followers when we have a heart for people who do not know him and take efforts to bring them into a relationship with Christ.
Published 08/01/19
Everyone acknowledges that prayer is part of following Christ. Yet, people in our pews still struggle with prayer. Tom and Kelly discuss their thoughts on prayer and how to make prayer more accessible to people in the pews.
Published 07/01/19
We grow through relationships. Our friends influence the direction of our lives. To grow as followers of Christ we need friends in faith. Small groups are our strategy to leverage this principle. In this podcast we will discuss why small groups are so important and some steps you can take to make them accessible to your community.
Published 06/01/19
Two thousand years ago Jesus said that God’s greatest competitor for our hearts is money. Giving puts our trust in God instead of money. In this podcast we will look at why giving matters and how to help people do it.
Published 05/01/19
In order for people to grow as followers of Christ, it is vitally important that they serve and volunteer in the parish. We will look at why volunteering in ministry matters and how to get members volunteering at your parish. 
Published 04/01/19
Tom and Kelly talk about creating a clear discipleship path for your parishioners and list three crucial steps to getting started.
Published 03/01/19
Tom and Kelly share lessons we are learning about taking hospitality to the next level including feeling over function and WOW-1.
Published 02/05/19
Creating a culture of hospitality means we need to create layers of welcoming. In this episode, we discuss the key ministries for hospitality and what they do. 
Published 01/01/19
In this episode, Tom and Kelly look at five reasons volunteer ministers are crucial for creating a culture of hospitality and a great weekend experience.
Published 12/01/18
This month we continue our conversation on music. Once again, we are joined by Nativity band member Joe Weaver. We will look at the best practices we have developed as a parish when it comes to music. 
Published 11/01/18
Creating a great weekend Mass experience is absolutely essential to rebuilding our parishes. Great music is absolutely essential to a great week weekend experience. We will look at five key reasons we need to invest in the music of our parishes.  We will be joined by Nativity band member Joe Weaver who add his insights as to why music matters. 
Published 10/04/18
In this month’s podcast, Tom and Kelly continue their discussion on the importance of the message. They offer insights on how to plan messages for a year and how to make a message series happen in your parish.  
Published 09/01/18
In this episode, we look at why the message or homily is so important in the life of your parish. We will also offer six best practices for making sure the message is powerful and effective in your parish. These are six practices that any parish can employ anywhere.
Published 08/09/18
The Church exists to make disciples of Jesus Christ. To fulfill this mission we must have a clear strategy for how we will help the people in our pews grow into fully devoted followers of Christ. In this episode we will look at how to shape a clear discipleship path for your parish. 
Published 07/01/18
The weekend represents the greatest opportunity to make an impact on people. It is the best opportunity to reach the Lost and get people on the discipleship path. In this podcast we will look at the three things you absolutely need to get right in order to create a great weekend experience.
Published 06/01/18
In this episode we will look at the first core strategy of a Rebuilt Parish – reaching the lost. Healthy growing parishes are going to have the same concern for Lost People that Jesus did. In this episode we will look at steps you can take to create a church that is attractive to outsiders. 
Published 05/02/18
Growing a healthy parish rests on three simple, but not easy strategies that any parish can employ. In this episode we will look at the core strategies that have driven the transformation of our parish and offer some action
Published 04/08/18
As parish staff workers we are going to get offended and hurt by others. Some offense will come through criticism from parishioners and others by staff members and volunteers. This episode looks at how to deal well with these offenses so we can last the long haul in ministry.
Published 03/12/18
Mission work or outreach to people outside our parish reminds us that the Church is to make an impact on the world. While as parishes we can get stuck in simply caring for members or creating programs for church people, the reality is that most people want to belong to something bigger than themselves. They want to be part of a church that is changing and transforming the world. In this episode, we will look at the basics of our missions program and give some practical steps for getting...
Published 02/13/18
Life often comes down to a few defining moments that can set the course and direction of our whole life. Throughout the Scriptures, God uses key moments to get people on board his mission and purpose in the world. In this episode we will look at key ways to leverage moments in the weekend experience and on their spiritual journey.
Published 12/31/17
John Maxwell notes, “Where there is no vision the people perish. Where there is no money, the people perish.” Money is needed to do ministry and growing in generosity is absolutely need to grow as a follower of Jesus Christ. In this episode we will look at some practical steps to help people grow their giving.
Published 12/13/17