“I couldn’t keep up with the talking speed of this interview! How many coffees?...I love your online teachings Kate, but in interviews both of you talked at manic speed😬”
EasyTiger18 via Apple Podcasts ·
Netherlands ·
“It's great to listen to a podcast about something technical and not feel completely lost! Thanks Kate, you make it so much simpler to understand SEO.”
Christopher57r via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·
“Kate has done a great job of making this podcast easy on the ear and full of relevant, practical content for anyone who wants to know more about SEO.
I've worked my way back through all the episodes now and look forward to each new one coming out, like a seagull looks forward to tourist...”Read full review »
SandyTaylorx via Apple Podcasts ·
Australia ·