Working while you are retired. How to make it work. [Episode 18]
How do You Work and be Retired at the Same Time There are a lot of people who want to retire after 20, 30, or 40 years of being at a particular job want to retire, take a step back, and start a job with a lot less stress, that they enjoy, or a job with less hours. Sound insane? Well not so much. This is a goal for a lot of people these days. So how do you do that? How do we retire and continue to work? In this episode, I share the key points of retiring and continuing to work. Maybe you want to still continue to keep your mind busy but without the added stress and physicality of working 40+ hours a week. Staying “plugged in” may be a key factor to life that you wish to continue to work, but perhaps with a little less commitment. There are others that really get a kick out of staying in a particular field that has defined you for so long. Perhaps you didn’t save enough money or want a certain lifestyle that requires some additional cash. But, for others, there is just no reason why they want to relax. They want to keep grinding and stay with it for as long as they can. While there are many reasons to retire and keep on working, there are many things that need to be considered with and without your financial adviser prior to leaving your job for a part timer down at your local grocery store. I mean, does that even sound like something you’d want to do? In today’s episode we are going to talk about the things you should be thinking about when planning to retire and go back to work. Episode Outline [3:00] Hybrid Retirement [3:30] Reasons to Keep Working [6:30] Retirement Planning while Staying Engaged [7:35] Retirement Lifestyle and Keeping Engaged [8:00] Taking a Vacation and then Re-entering the Workforce [8:40] Working Part-time [9:30] Core Things to Consider [10:35] Taking the Leap Smartly [11:40] Have Something Lined Up [12:15] Work for the Right Reasons [12:30] Consider Starting a Business [13:10] Pick a Schedule for You [13:30] Approach Your Employer and See if They’ll Work with You [14:20] Conclusion and Website