The best way to love someone who is dealing with depression to speak the truth over them, to help them get up off the ground, and to drive out the lies with the Word of God. Kenny and Tammie beautifully detail how to help those with depression in episode 76.
Published 04/11/24
We all want to make good decisions, but how can we know if a decision we make is a good one, or even the right one? Join Kenny and Chris on another Zoom call, where they discus the process of good decision making, and how we can be confident in the decisions that we make.
Published 04/04/24
In this episode, Kenny and Tammie address a question received from Instagram: Can Jesus love me despite my symptoms? The answer is amazing, and extends beyond people who deal with this issue. Here is the song mentioned in this episode, Been So Good - Elevation Worship: https://youtu.be/D3yMC_qoAes?si=JI1UrUINaiWahTRr
Published 03/28/24
Love doesn't always make sense. In fact, love will often go against what we think is sensible. But the "what" doesn't have to make sense, it all comes down to the "why". Love is why we do what we do, not what we do. Hop in now for another lesson on love with Kenny and Tammie.
Published 03/21/24
Love trusts, but is trust always loving? Kenny and Tammie dive in deep to talk about love, trust, and where the two converge. Listen now in episode 74.
Published 03/14/24
Before you can even begin asking if this is the right relationship, you must ask yourself this: Am I with this person so that they can meet my needs, or are my needs being met by Christ? A relationship that is not connected to the vine will not produce fruit. Jump in now with Kenny and Tammie for an episode filled with wisdom.
Published 03/07/24
When someone is truly repentant, it's not hard to tell. It's not just a regret of messing up or suffering consequences, but a godly sorrow that responds with repentance. Kenny and Tammie speak some beautiful truths right here in episode 72.
Published 02/29/24
Sometimes we feel alone, like we have no one to turn to, no one to comfort us, no one to confide in, but despite the feeling, the truth of the matter is that we are never alone. There is One with us who will never leave us. Kenny and Tammie recount an experience their family had that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that we are not alone.
Published 02/22/24
The only way to know if a relationship is right, or if you're enabling a harmful relationship, is by standing on the truth. When the truth is your anchor, things become clear, and you have a firm foundation to stand on. Join Kenny and Tammie for this truth in episode 70.
Published 02/15/24
We should keep an open mind and hear out other peoples perspectives, but that doesn't mean we should always accept those perspectives as truth. Kenny and Tammie do a wonderful job at demonstrating how to listen, love, and seek truth, all right here in episode 69.
Published 02/08/24
The fear of The Lord is not some scared dread. It's an awe, a reverence, the realization that He is so big, and we are so small. But in His bigness, this fear, we find His great love for us, His protection and security, His wisdom, which begins with fearing The Lord.
Published 02/01/24
The parable of the Prodigal Son paints a beautiful picture of us returning to God, and how He receives us with open arms as He's running to meet us halfway. That is not all the parable aims to show us though. It's a heart checker. When other prodigals return home, do we respond in the same way as our Father, or do we respond the same way the Prodigal Son's brother did?
Published 01/25/24
In today's episode Kenny and Tammie create an open discussion for a two sided issue, addressing how children can combat the feeling of shutting out the advice and instruction of their parents, and how parents can continue to give advice and wisdom, build relationships with their kids, and avoid prompting the reaction of their child shutting out their wisdom. Join us for episode 66.
Published 01/18/24
When dealing with depression, anxiety, etc, your brain gets wired differently than normal. That's why it's so hard to just snap out of what you're going through. However, there is something that is able to rewire your brain, and that is the Word of God. Jump in now for episode 65 with Kenny and Tammie.
Published 01/11/24
In this episode, Kenny and Tammie break down how protecting yourself can sometimes be the unloving thing to do in a situation. We're not talking about situations like abuse, to be clear. We're talking about situations where what you feel, and what you want to do and say can be justified, but isn't the loving thing to do. Join us for episode 64 and glean some incredible wisdom.
Published 01/04/24
Despite what some may think, purpose is not tied to success, money, status, position, or your career. Your purpose is something beautifully separate from all of that. Join Kenny and Tammie as they help you find your purpose in episode 63.
Published 12/28/23
We can't love unless we're operating out of truth, but to do that, we need the right perspective. Perspective doesn't change the truth, it reveals it. Hop in now for episode 62.
Published 12/21/23
To truly trust requires the action of faith behind it. It is not enough to say you trust, then either move when you should not, or stand still when you should move. Sometimes the situation is scary, but when you trust in the One who is true, you can be sure that He will always do what He says. Tune in now with Kenny and Tammie for How To Trust God.
Published 12/14/23
If we stand for something, we need to be sure of the "why". Are we standing out of fear, justification, or defensiveness? Or are we standing to love? The answer to this episode's title may surprise you, but not for the reason you might expect. Listen as Kenny and Tammie tackle this big question, in episode 60.
Published 12/07/23
The persona of "alpha male" is just a compensation for the insecurity of not being enough. The truth, however, is that you will never be enough. But within that fact comes vulnerability, honesty, love, and true strength. Join Kenny and Tammie as they take on this hot social topic.
Published 11/30/23
Loving your enemies doesn’t mean becoming a doormat, it means praying for them, choosing what is best for them, forgiving as you have been forgiven. It’s hard, but it’s freeing. Join Kenny and Tammie for episode 58.
Published 11/23/23
Boundaries are often set up with good intentions, but before you know it, you’ve walled yourself in, and your boundaries have gone from protecting to hurting. Love doesn’t need “conventional” boundaries, love is its own boundary. Join Kenny and Tammie in episode 57 as they cover this very hot topic.
Published 11/16/23
In this episode Tammie's mom takes a seat at the table to help us understand that there is only one thing that can truly free us from trauma — God. His word, His presence, His voice, His goodness is what will heal us, and free us from trauma.
Published 11/09/23
Most have probably experienced grief, and it never is easy. However, there are some things we can always rest in as we grieve — God is near to the broken hearted, and He makes all things new. Kenny and Tammie talk about how they handle grief, join them now for episode 55.
Published 11/02/23
What is worship? Worship is a response to who God is. But worship goes way beyond just singing songs in church, or in your car on the way to work. True worship extends from every area of our lives. Everything we do is to be done unto Jesus.
Published 10/26/23