Zak Kemble and Gavin Linde, both whiskey enthusiasts, recently discussed their shared passion. Zak recounted his initial negative experience with whiskey and his subsequent journey exploring different varieties. Both agreed on Glenfarclas 15 as a favorite, appreciating its balance of...
Published 10/18/24
In today's episode, Gavin shares the significance of building relationships and trust in the whiskey industry. Gavin emphasizes the challenges of maintaining these relationships and the fluctuating nature of bottle availability. He also shared his personal experiences buying whiskey, starting...
Published 09/20/24
Gavin talks with Peter Nevenglosky, a co-founder of Rare Character Whiskey and other spirits brands, discussed their shared love for food and drink, particularly whiskey. They discussed the evolution of the cocktail culture in America, reflecting on how it shifted from a focus on showmanship and...
Published 09/20/24