A fasces, or bundle of sticks bound by twine and axe, is a symbol representing one of two political scenarios: a state having absolute power over the people, or a state using its authority to protect the people. From the US Republic and German Reich to the Roman Empire, each utilized the symbol...
Published 11/26/24
Somehow the anti-New-World-Order movement has been conditioned to accept, vote for, and defend people behind experimental gene therapy, microchips, digital currency, and collusion with foreign governments. The incoming presidential administration designated as the ‘golden age of America’ has...
Published 11/23/24
Hour 1: Current global crisis with Israel, the US vetoing a ceasefire resolution of the UN, the ICC issuing arrest warrants for Israeli and Hamas leaders, and how the US is threatening acts of war against countries that back them.
Hour 2: The double digit zionists selected by the incoming US...
Published 11/22/24