“Getting quite rick over how lazily and unprofessional the Podcasts are being posted of late. First there was the greatness of titling the tracks, but lately there have been tracks titled such as Segment 1, Segment 2 and so forth. Now I am seeing segments titled Junkies and Junks, all within the same air date, not even consistent enought to keep a single theme.
Why are there two entries by Jeff.oravitz on the same show? one subtitled Professional and the other subtitled Amateur. I have noticied no difference in the content and will agree the Junkies are the most Professional Amateurs in the radio business.
I have enjoyed listening to the show live while in VA, and continue to listen to them while in CA. However, I do enjoy knowing what the topics will be covered during a segment. Sometimes, while time is limited I listen to the segment based on the title getting my interest.
Is this the way CBS Radio wants to get people to download the podcasts from their site vice Itunes?
Love the show, but may check out the local morning shows instead.”
Nunya Bees Wax Rick via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·