“I have been long time fan and reader of Tim and have consistently gotten value and enjoyment out of his thinking across different media formats. Increasingly, however I feel he is off course with his show. The conversations are dominated by Tim’s monologues and he is getting increasingly repetitive in his aging anecdotes. How many more times do we need to hear about his experiences at his first SXSW when he was trying to make it? The interviews feel more self-serving, with Tim indulging his need to be heard, and the desire to gain information that he wants. This approach rubs off on the guests who also are not providing as good material to the listeners as in previous episodes. How can they when their interviewer is dominating the conversation and directly asking them to respond to him. It is constricting and does not give the guests space to share their unique perspectives. Instead, they spend most of the episode responding to Tim’s. Tim, if you’re reading this, please course correct your podcast to bring it closer to what it originally was and what is reflected in your books. You interviewing high performers, and distilling their lessons and experiences for the rest of us. You talk about wanting to be more anonymous and more in the background but I don’t see it from the way you conduct your interviews. You seem to want to be the center of the story and that’s not how it was originally. In closing, I have to say this is still one of the better podcasts around, at least via the archive of past episodes, but it has lost its way.”
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