📅 ThursdAI - Apr 11th, 2024 - GPT4 is king again, New Mixtral 8x22B + First finetune, New Gemini 1.5, Cohere beats old GPT4, more AI news
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this week was absolutely bonkers. For starters, for the first time ever, we got an Open Weights model (Command R+) to jump over GPT-4 in human rankings on LMsys, this is huge! Then on Tuesday, it seems that all the companies just wanted to one up one another, first Gemini 1.5 released with updates, made it available in 180 countries, added audio mode + tons of API improvements and system prompts, then less than an hour later, OpenAI has given us a "majorly improved" GPT-4 Turbo version (2024-04-09) that is now back to being the BEST LLM IN THE WORLD and to cap that day off, Mistral did the thing again, the thing being, dropping a torrent link in a tweet with no explanations. What was in that torrent is a Mixtral 8x22B MoE (which we started calling Bixtral) which comes with an Apache2 license and seems to be VERY good! We also saw the first finetune from HuggingFace/KAIST folks less than 48 hours later (the authors of said finetune actually came on the show 🎉 ) Fully Connected is a week from today! If you haven't yet signed up, use THURSDAI promo code and come hear from Richard Socher (You.com), Jerry Liu (Ilamaindex CEO), Karoly (TwoMinutePapers), Joe Spisak (Meta) and and leaders from NVIDIA, Snowflake, Microsoft, Coatue, Adobe, Siemens, Lambda and tons more 👇 TL;DR of all topics covered: * Open Source LLMs * 🔥 Mistral releases Mixtral 8x22 Apache 2 licensed MoE model (Torrent, TRY IT) * Cohere CMDR+ jumps to no 6 on LMSys and beats GPT4 (X) * CodeGemma, RecurrentGemma & Gemma Instruct 1.1 (Announcement) * Auto-code-rover gets 22% on SWE bench (Announcement) * HuggingFace - Zephyr 141B-A35B - First Bixtral Finetune (Announcement) * Mistral 22B - 1 single expert extracted from MoE (Announcement, HF) * This weeks Buzz - Weights & Biases updates * FullyConnected is in 1 week! (Come meet us) * Big CO LLMs + APIs * 🔥 GPT-4 turbo is back to being number 1 AI with 88.2% Human Eval score (X) * Gemini 1.5 Pro now understands audio, uses unlimited files, acts on your commands, and lets devs build incredible things with JSON mode (X) * LLama 3 coming out in less than a month (confirmed by Meta folks) * XAI Grok now powers news summaries on X (Example) * Cohere new Rerank 3 (X) * Voice & Audio * HuggingFace trained Parler-TTS (Announcement, Github) * Udio finally launched it's service (Announcement, Leak, Try It) * Suno has added explore mode (suno.ai/explore) * Hardware * Humane AI pin has started shipping - reviews are not amazing Open Source LLMs Command R+ first open weights model that beats last year GPT4 versions This is massive, really a milestone to be discussed, and even though tons of other news happened, the first time an open weights model is beating GPT-4 not on a narrow case (coding, medical) but on a general human evaluation on the arena. This happened just a year after GPT-4 first came out, and is really really impressive. Command R+ has been getting a lot of great attention from the community as well, folks were really surprised by the overall quality, not to mention the multilingual abilities of CommandR+ Mixtral 8x22B MoE with 65K context and Apache 2 license (Bigstral) Despite the above, Cohere time in the sun (ie top open weights model on lmsys) may not be that long if the folks at Mistral have anything to say about it! Mistral decided to cap the crazy Tuesday release day with another groundbreaking tweet of theirs which includes a torrent link and nothing else (since then they of course uploaded the model to the hub) giving us what potentially will unseat Command R from the rankings. The previous Mixtral (8x7B) signaled the age of MoEs and each expert in that was activated from Mistral 7B, but for this new affectionally named Bixtral model, each expert is a 22B sized massive model. We only got a base version of it, which is incredible on it's own right, but it's not instruction finetuned yet, and the finetuner community is already cooking really hard! Though it's hard because this model requi
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