“This is a great podcast. Very valuable information and topics which really relate to the beginner-intermediate points travel enthusiast. But…. The latest episode worries me a bit because I have heard/seen too many podcasts in this genre turn to the infomercial format to promote the “paid classes” they offer. It starts innocently enough by mentioning the class each episode. Then, before you know it, a third or more of the podcasts (now more like infomercials) released are interviews with people who took the paid class. They spend most of the episode recounting all the things these paid classes offer and so much less time spent on providing actual information on travel points and strategies for the listener. Yes, this latest episode is a departure from the normal, usually informative format and I hope it it an anomaly. Please don’t become the next “Families Fly Free Podcast” of weekly infomercial fame. Thank you and hopes for continued good work ahead for you ladies.”
eddiespaghettimeatballpie via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·